How do I get an even canopy with LST?!

I like being able to move my plants out of the 'drobe for haircuts or careful inspection, so I use tie downs to the pot. If you use a net, you have to do everything in place while bending over and not being able to even rotate the plant for better access. When I trim, I move pot to a bench where I can work standing, and orient the plant whatever way makes the job easier. Having to do this throughout a 4x4 while bending over to reach the center is a pain in the ass, and hard on an old back. :biggrin:
I yea i move mine out to a table and chair when i mess with them. Thats my therapy. :smoking:
I'm obsessive by nature, so it's hard for me not to fiddle with my plants on a daily basis lol. When I do LST with autos, I'm pretty well never satisfied so I'm always actively seeking new branches to tie down on the daily. Not saying I'm actually adjusting ties on a daily basis, but I'll will check every day and I will if I have to. If you wait a week between each time you tie stuff down, the plant will probably grow beyond the shape you're trying to maintain. The idea is to nurse it along continuously how you want to shape it, and that's best done on an active basis. LST doesn't hurt the plant, so there's no need to space it out so long.

Im OCD as well and cannot leave them alone for more than a few hours without checking on them. I work from home so they get babied for sure. I am getting a lot of smaller growth in the center and dont know what to keep and what to take off because my main stock is L shaped now due to me accidently supercropping so all i can do is try to even a canopy and hope for the best!