How do I get an even canopy with LST?!


Cultivators Club
Jun 6, 2022
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My next grow i want to be able to get an even canopy like ones im seeing everywhere on here. Can anyone help me out and post some pics and tips for me? Is the best method to top, leave main stock straight up and lst the side branches? Help me out!
early training and proper genetics. A nice stretchy/bushy hybrid is where I would start.
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My next grow i want to be able to get an even canopy like ones im seeing everywhere on here. Can anyone help me out and post some pics and tips for me? Is the best method to top, leave main stock straight up and lst the side branches? Help me out!

There's many away to shape for an even canopy.
First you would top your plant so the side branches become more dominant.
As those side branches take over tie them to the to side of the pot keeping them all at the same level. Here's a pic

As they stretch and go into flower keep adjusting the ties to get that even canopy.
The use of bull dog clips on the side of the pot is invaluable in this situation.

The other method would be to scrog the plant by placing it under a stretched piece of netting. You then spread the branches out underneath and as it stretches you should get a reasonably even canopy, you may have to tuck a few branches.
There's many away to shape for an even canopy.
First you would top your plant so the side branches become more dominant.
As those side branches take over tie them to the to side of the pot keeping them all at the same level. Here's a pic
View attachment 1483123
As they stretch and go into flower keep adjusting the ties to get that even canopy.
The use of bull dog clips on the side of the pot is invaluable in this situation.

The other method would be to scrog the plant by placing it under a stretched piece of netting. You then spread the branches out underneath and as it stretches you should get a reasonably even canopy, you may have to tuck a few branches.
I LST the main stock almost horizontal and topped it which is making it very difficult to achieve and keep an even canopy. Went to hard at it this time i guess. Picture helped a lot next round i will do as your picture shows. I have those clips also they work wonders! Thanks man.
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Top plant above the 5th or 6th node ASAP preferably before day 18. Once the branches get some length spread them outward into different directions using LST with ties, clips, etc. aim for a branch being at each hour position on a clock when looking at the plant from overhead.

Sometimes I take node 1 branches and tuck them up against the main stem and aim them for the middle. Around day 30 you could apply a Scrog net and begin weaving in. Place the Scrog net right down as close to the topping sight as possible. Basically smooshing the plant

Keep weaving until in early flower, then you should have a nice even canopy
Here’s my strategy for training autos:
  1. Top the plant at the 5th/6th node around day 20
  2. Tie down any and all branches that look to be higher than the rest
  3. Repeat daily as required
I use binder clips around the perimeter of my fabric pots for anchor points, and either pipe cleaners or rubber plant ties. It’s an active process with pretty consistent adjusting of ties, but the idea is to look for “bits” of plant that are higher than the bulk of it, and tying them down to be an equal height as the rest. For me, it was daily work from day 20 until a certain point in flower when it just is what it is and I let it go.


Good luck!
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Here’s my strategy for training autos:
  1. Top the plant at the 5th/6th node around day 20
  2. Tie down any and all branches that look to be higher than the rest
  3. Repeat daily as required
I use binder clips around the perimeter of my fabric pots for anchor points, and either pipe cleaners or rubber plant ties. It’s an active process with pretty consistent adjusting of ties, but the idea is to look for “bits” of plant that are higher than the bulk of it, and tying them down to be an equal height as the rest. For me, it was daily work from day 20 until a certain point in flower when it just is what it is and I let it go.

View attachment 1483280

Good luck!
Yeah,This way works best for me also. I don’t think a net is needed with autos. Iv never needed one anyway.
Here’s my strategy for training autos:
  1. Top the plant at the 5th/6th node around day 20
  2. Tie down any and all branches that look to be higher than the rest
  3. Repeat daily as required
I use binder clips around the perimeter of my fabric pots for anchor points, and either pipe cleaners or rubber plant ties. It’s an active process with pretty consistent adjusting of ties, but the idea is to look for “bits” of plant that are higher than the bulk of it, and tying them down to be an equal height as the rest. For me, it was daily work from day 20 until a certain point in flower when it just is what it is and I let it go.

View attachment 1483280

Good luck!
Those pics are what shape im aiming for exactly! I have the binder clips and everything but i was afraid to touch them more than once a week so it is ok to adjust daily or every few days? I already messes the one im growing now up but accidently supercropping it while lst the main stock. But its still growing out good just not like how i want it to.
Yeah,This way works best for me also. I don’t think a net is needed with autos. Iv never needed one anyway.
I like being able to move my plants out of the 'drobe for haircuts or careful inspection, so I use tie downs to the pot. If you use a net, you have to do everything in place while bending over and not being able to even rotate the plant for better access. When I trim, I move pot to a bench where I can work standing, and orient the plant whatever way makes the job easier. Having to do this throughout a 4x4 while bending over to reach the center is a pain in the ass, and hard on an old back. :biggrin:
Those pics are what shape im aiming for exactly! I have the binder clips and everything but i was afraid to touch them more than once a week so it is ok to adjust daily or every few days? I already messes the one im growing now up but accidently supercropping it while lst the main stock. But its still growing out good just not like how i want it to.

I'm obsessive by nature, so it's hard for me not to fiddle with my plants on a daily basis lol. When I do LST with autos, I'm pretty well never satisfied so I'm always actively seeking new branches to tie down on the daily. Not saying I'm actually adjusting ties on a daily basis, but I'll will check every day and I will if I have to. If you wait a week between each time you tie stuff down, the plant will probably grow beyond the shape you're trying to maintain. The idea is to nurse it along continuously how you want to shape it, and that's best done on an active basis. LST doesn't hurt the plant, so there's no need to space it out so long.

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