Horticultural Lighting Group's Light Up Your Summer Grow and Show!

Have you all got your newborns to cross their cotyledons :biggrin:

Good Morning everyone! I want to thank you all for the tremendous response! HLG certainly knows where AFN is now!

Entries are closed. I now have to do the hard part, choosing 5 growers. it's not going to be easy. there is a lot of talent here, in both the veteran growers and those who recently started growing! And the reason for so many great growers is the Autoflower Network! The spirit of cooperation here is unmatched in the cannabis forums! And here you can learn the right way to grow. AFN helps filter out the myths so that you have the true facts needed to be your best! And this is a model for what an online community should be. Helpful, friendly,, caring, and enthusiastic and cannabis cultivation!