Horticultural Lighting Group's Grow and Show

Day 7
78*f 67%Rh
200µmol/m 2
Lung room running at 75*F

Yesterday was 1 week above the ground for all girls, save one. All the Earthbox girls were tall enough to seal up, so it was a perfect time to finish adding to the food bank and bring up the moisture level in the media.

I was very happy with the new Teriganix Bokashi activity. It was still very active and had made very good progress on the compost. The mats got broken up and lightly mixed in the media.

All water used had humic acid at 1/4tsp@ 5gal, a dash of ThermX70, 1/2tsp of aminos /gal, 1oz/gal of the BAS Probiotics Yah-Whey and 1oz/gal alfalfa ferment.

All EB Jrs got 2 cups of EWC and 3 cups of Coast of Maine Lobster compost on top of the bank and in the center around the girl and lightly mixed in. Then 8oz of water was added around the girl in the wicking area. The entire top was sprayed down to wet the dressings. Teriganix Bokashi was added on top. It's very effective and doesn't take much. The covers were replaced and taped up. I did add 8oz of water to each rez to help bring up the moisture levels and promote root growth into the wicking area.
The two Regular EBs got the same treatment with 3 cups of EWC and 4 cups of compost. 8oz of water was added to each wicking area on the ends. 16 oz was added around the girl and 16 oz to the rez. Sour Stomper X CDLC] x FORUM STOMPER was too small to tape up. I still think a center wicking area is needed to be added. I think this would improve growing cannabis in EBs.
Two of the three gal pots got 1 1/2 cup of EWC and 8oz of water. Compost and alfalfa hay will be added when the girls are a bit taller. Sour Stomper are a bit too small to top dress.
Les @HLG
There is a visible difference in the girls under the HLG DIABLO 650R and the other girls under the other lights. And that with other girls being up before the 4x4 by a half a day. The tents are tweaked to get the same conditions. I REALLY like the even coverage in the 4x4! That's gonna be even more key in a month and later. The supplemental UV light came in yesterday. Well constructed and interesting electrical cord set up. I'll get it installed in the next few days.

4X4 tent under HLG DIABLO 650R

HLG Office/Grow Room.


Current Rosette Stone, Photo by Dem Native Boyz at 30 days under dual 350R's with UVA30-XL and 100 V2 @ 4000K in a 2 x 4. Coco/Gaia Green. I keep a 100 V2 in each tent for seedling work.
dual 350R.jpg

Day old seedlings under the 100 V2 @ 4000K
day1 grow.jpg

30 days flipping to flower in 7 to 10 days.



Baby Shark, Auto by Dem Native Boyz test grow, sketchy genetics. Just finished at 87days under dual 260 Rspec's w/UVA-30 and 100 V2 @4000K in a 3 x 3. Ocean Forrest, Gaia Green.

Day 30 one runt gone left back soon to follow. Should have culled three of the four.

Should have culled out the left plant and put everything into the right plant. Chopped at 87 days. Over all a useless grow. But thats what testing is about.




Have a 650R to go into the 3 x 3 later this week. Dual 260 Rspecs will become back up wall art.
Day 29
79*F 63%Rh
600 µmol/m 2 highest
Lung room running at 74*F
Plant color is OFF with this fuggin' phone
4X4 tent under HLG DIABLO 650R
600 µmol/m 2, this light is meeting the plants DLI. About one hour before the end of the light cycle, you can begin to see them drooping and getting ready to go to sleep. DLI needs varies from strain to strain and plant to plant. The other two tents in my grow, at the same measured rate, the girls don't exhibit the same response to the same degree at the same time frame.
I LOVE THE EVEN COVERAGE OF THIS LIGHT!!!!!:headbang::headbang::headbang::woohoo:


Mangos N Chem by Night Owl


Knows Candy by Twenty20


Sour Stomper orgy pot by Mephisto
Needs more:naughtystep:

Double Grape by Mephisto


3BOG by Mephisto

Still running with the mutant configuration


Fugue State by Mephisto


Sour Stomper X CDLC] x FORUM STOMPER by Mephisto 24 Days above ground
Your ladies are looking real good!
Thanks! The two regular EarthBoxes could have been better, if I had planted them to one end. They would have got into that relationship with the rez wicking area quicker.
With four girls going into early flower, I upped the light to around 735µmol/m 2 showing on the top of Fugue State. I'll leave it there until the others get into early flower and go from there.
Not quite all the way turned up with drawing 611watts.

It's fixin' to get interesting!!!
Hey Now,
Getting my sh*t back together, garden is okay not great Glad I have that 650R so I don't have that to think about that . Stay tuned for some updates. Sorry for disappearing, life and old people. . . But back in the saddle again and ready to ride!
Hey Now,
Getting my sh*t back together, garden is okay not great Glad I have that 650R so I don't have that to think about that . Stay tuned for some updates. Sorry for disappearing, life and old people. . . But back in the saddle again and ready to ride!
Life happens!
I apologize for lack of updates in my thread. Been having a very difficult time with some seeds not germinating. I gave them all plenty of time but been set back 3 weeks at this point. Not an issue for me and the space just on getting something under this great light to show off! I started two new Twenty20 seeds last night, I know them to be vigorous monsters so I should be back in the game shortly.