Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

Any experience with it??
never tried it, I would be very cautious with anything that has ridges on the inside though. There is some stuff I have been looking at, I will find it later and ping you a PM
hello mate - that stuff is rock hard. The only tip I have for you sit the pipes in hot water for a few seconds before you work on them. It is the standard irrigation fitting - it is a pain but once it is in it stays put nicely.
What you could do also so you dont have to connect/disconnect anything for any purpose is to have it like this: Pump, pipe, drippers, inline tap, pipe, end stop. This way you can always leave the pump there but use teh tap to either feed the drippers by closing the tap, or open it up to the stopper where you can add a hose or something to drain and clean up etc..does that make any sense at all? :rofl:

Everything except the sequence hahaha but it will when I go over it a few more times.. heading our for dinner with the daughter and her BF here.. there better not be any surprise announcements other than 'we'll pay' :naughtystep: :thumbsup:
Everything except the sequence hahaha but it will when I go over it a few more times.. heading our for dinner with the daughter and her BF here.. there better not be any surprise announcements other than 'we'll pay' :naughtystep: :thumbsup:
Hot water, heat gun, even a hair drier will work!
@Zaaboot my friend.. this 13mm pipe
... much more flexible alternative in the UK??

Silicone rubber hose is very soft and flexible. It's used for automotive vacuum applications, so should be available worldwide. I'm using this for my res. I bought a 10 foot piece, kinda pricy but definitely the right stuff:
Flood taps banjo'd.. another 1 is ordered.. awful!

Might as well give this a go..

White cheese on the DIY drip ring.. set for 4 feeds per lights on period (PLOP :crying: :naughtystep: ) so that's every 5 hours.. timer on for 6 minutes per feed which should deliver just over a litre.. Draining to waste. Won't know if its worked until i get up in the morning and check for run off.
Wondering about this again m8.. Will I be able to get this flat inside an 80cm tent do u think?? I'm wondering in particular about my poles which of course occupy some very important millimetres inside the corners!! I'd want it flat for flood and drain.. wondering if I may have to cut the outer lip at the corners of this tray to fit around my poles if i want to make sure the trays flat??
You might be able to take a heat gun / hair dryer to it and remold the plastic around the pole. Just put something behind it so you don't melt your tent in the process.
I was a bit behind in my reading, but I used a hot air gun to soften the plastic in the corners of my tray and used a piece of metal pipe to indent the shape into them so the tray would fit snugly inside my tent...I do have some more detailed pictures of this, but can't seem to find them. :shrug: