Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

Also the 3 USA Kush marks the start of some long overdue discipline in the grobog sadly lol 3s or 4s of the same strain 4 weeks apart goin forward.. Next strain after the USAK will be another @Sawney_bean strain.. x 4 plants. Have to stop popping beans at will.. especially with trying to learn coco growing and juggle soil plants with the coco. Thats the plan anyway :thumbsup: :vibes: :jointman:
sounds like a plan to me . :thumbsup: nice to have a choice.
...trying to learn coco growing and juggle soil plants with the coco...
Me too, my oldest 2 plants are in soil, and the next 4 are in coco. I'm loving the coco because I can always be sure the nutes are right. Here's my first GG4 auto in soil, and the current GG4 auto in coco, each at 6 weeks old:
GG4auto1_day43.jpg GG4auto.2_day44.jpg
i may have to use the 15L and top the plant just.. do not want another tree fkn up my light heights.
You can reduce the volume of a 15L airpot by fitting the base bit higher up in the pot.... know what I mean? Make it a tenner instead.
That will also guarantee the pot doesn't sit in old run off, which was the problem with the fabric pots I guess.
Also the 3 USA Kush marks the start of some long overdue discipline in the grobog sadly lol 3s or 4s of the same strain 4 weeks apart goin forward.. Next strain after the USAK will be another @Sawney_bean strain.. x 4 plants. Have to stop popping beans at will.. especially with trying to learn coco growing and juggle soil plants with the coco. Thats the plan anyway :thumbsup: :vibes: :jointman:
Yeah yeah. Get some beans a soaking :rofl:
Me too, my oldest 2 plants are in soil, and the next 4 are in coco. I'm loving the coco because I can always be sure the nutes are right. Here's my first GG4 auto in soil, and the current GG4 auto in coco, each at 6 weeks old:
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Both lookin sweet m8 :thumbsup: I'm loving the coco as well but watering to run off every time is becoming a bit of a chore already I have to say! I need to knock up some DIY plant stands that I can drain under and remove the drain tray so I can leave the girls put rather than lift them in and out for watering.
You can reduce the volume of a 15L airpot by fitting the base bit higher up in the pot.... know what I mean? Make it a tenner instead.
That will also guarantee the pot doesn't sit in old run off, which was the problem with the fabric pots I guess.

Good thinkin batman :jointman: :d5: hadn't even considered that!!
...watering to run off every time is becoming a bit of a chore already I have to say! I need to knock up some DIY plant stands that I can drain under and remove the drain tray so I can leave the girls put rather than lift them in and out for watering.
I am tired of emptying drip pans every day too. The plants don't like it either. I dropped one. My grows live on wire shelves hung by ropes, so I'm working on a runoff catchment that attaches to the shelf. First try is a piece of fiber-reinforced vinyl fabric (salvaged from a billboard) hung under the shelf and sloped toward a bucket:
If i need to lower my shelf I could rout the runoff to the condensate removal pump under my dehumidifier drain (it's only 5" high). I have these on order to hook up a drain hose to the fabric trough:

If I get more lazy, I could probably figure out a drip irrigation system, but hand watering is not bad with only 6 plants (for NY legal).
I am tired of emptying drip pans every day too. The plants don't like it either. I dropped one. My grows live on wire shelves hung by ropes, so I'm working on a runoff catchment that attaches to the shelf. First try is a piece of fiber-reinforced vinyl fabric (salvaged from a billboard) hung under the shelf and sloped toward a bucket:
View attachment 1376840
If i need to lower my shelf I could rout the runoff to the condensate removal pump under my dehumidifier drain (it's only 5" high). I have these on order to hook up a drain hose to the fabric trough:

If I get more lazy, I could probably figure out a drip irrigation system, but hand watering is not bad with only 6 plants (for NY legal).

Stoner ingenuity bro.. thats just the sort of set up I need.. ive started too many in coco at once as well.. my stoner panic is running wild and honestly.. of all the media and/or grow styles/types that are out there.. ive read 3 times as much bullshit about coco than all the others put together :jointman: very little in the way of proper fine detail and shed loads of bro science.. thats a great wee drain set up you have.