Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

The sawney collection..

And my girl of the moment.. lecter..
Absolutely hooked m8 lol 100% coco loco.. its just lovely stuff :smoking:nicer to handle than soil.. much quicker and easier to water than soil.. and the buds off this WW are better than a lot of soil buds I've grown.. I just hope the WW wasn't a fluke and it all goes to shit on me lol the recurring nightmare!! Classic doom merchant.. always waiting for something to go wrong :jointman: still haven't quite got the hang of the watering particularly early on and certainty I'm nowhere near maxing a plant to capacity in coco.. but practice makes perfect :biggrin: :vibes:
I love the coco, but reading up and seeing Tom grow in sohums has me thinking, I like the sound of that too, but I want to master coco before I try something else, unless it just makes sense.
What, in your opinion, has the edge? Soil or coco? Also, why?
I love the coco, but reading up and seeing Tom grow in sohums has me thinking, I like the sound of that too, but I want to master coco before I try something else, unless it just makes sense.
What, in your opinion, has the edge? Soil or coco? Also, why?

Can't really say convincingly after only 1 coco plant m8 but it was a really good start.. if I can get the coco dialled in properly it'll be my choice.. both have their pros and cons.. watering in coco involves measuring EC which is new to me.. the buds on this coco girl are definately more dense.. but I'd need to get another few coco plants up and down to confirm any consistency in that.