Indoor Hope's perpetual Skyline grow

And the big girl herself.. marching on like a champ..
all in coco.. no more muck for the meantime..
Very impressive mate. You look like you've been growing in Coco for years! If anyone harps on about how hard it is to transition from soil to Coco, they just have to look here and see how you do it!
Can you get AN Bud Candy over your way? would be the final magic ingredient!
Very impressive mate. You look like you've been growing in Coco for years! If anyone harps on about how hard it is to transition from soil to Coco, they just have to look here and see how you do it!
Can you get AN Bud Candy over your way? would be the final magic ingredient!

Thanks bro :pighug: I think I'm getting the hang of it now.. im not so scared of it lol yes I can absolutely get bud candy.. you would recommend then?? It's probably the only one of their army of additives that I've never tried.. not really sure why. Atm she's getting Coco bloom, rhino skin, big bud, with overdrive just started last feed.
I haven't used it in about a year, cos of COVID there's limited imports of AN to AU. I miss it though, I haven't been able to find anything similar.
The reason I use(d) it? I believe all plants need in flowering is water, light, nutes and SUGARS. The only alternative I can think of is Molasses, well known for helping to make fat tasty buds!

The area I'm in has loads of sugar cane farms, and I see bales of sugar cane mulch for sale, I'm thinking of chopping up a bit of that and covering the top of the Coco with it in the hope the sugars come out and get into the feed. Anyone have any ideas on this?
I'll pick a wee bottle up and give it a go m8.. £12 delivered for a 250ml.. cheap as chips :jointman:

Cant comment on your sugar cane idea I'm afraid.. can u not get molasses?? I used molasses waaayyyyy back when I started out and always felt the plants benefited for it.. it just got too much of a messy pain in the arse to use in the end I think.. some thick shit that stuff.