Medi's on to somethin. Since I'm the most worthless visitor around these parts I will try to chime in something usefull for once.. Prob not, lol. I can tell ya stressin never did a damn thing for me, although after a grow or two you'll be in your comfort zone or just not give a fuck, I'm the latter, so sad. I should prob go look up explode before opening my fat keyboard, but I presume it helps with buds

Here's my point, there is talk about whether you really should or need to flush, POP22 has posted about this and articles showing how the plants convert nutrients and utilize what's there or not, I will look it up and send it too you. So if you needed to run it a lil longer and flush less or not at all (a lot of people will disagree) I believe you aren't gonna be disappointed. This is a hot topic however I have tried it both ways (same strains) after reading about it and I will tell you my experience was it made no difference at all in taste and my yields were a lil more, but that could have just been the plant. Since there is so much back and forth with so many topics I rarely ever say much unless I know for a fact, but at least you can check up on it, try it out and decide for yourself, best way I guess for you to truly know, but sometimes trial and error can be just that, and you might learn the hard way now and then, I choose to learn the hard way all the time. I am prob the last person anyone should listen to, lol
But I'll burn with the best of em