New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Lmao^ Hell yeah man that's some good looking bud bro and you're only on day 52?!?! Lol she's gonna be fat as fck in another 2 or 3 weeks!! Nice :gthumb:

Thanks, JAYAR. Man, you kept me chill when I was starting to think all was lost, back when my girl was struggling. I'm just trying to make sure I finished her up nice and strong so I can experience that good TD high you been telling me about!

Looking killer in there TGB, that will be some dank ass budz :thumbs:

I'm hoping so, Vapour! In the meantime, I'm using this girl to get my skillz up so I can apply them to my gorilla grow I am plotting on! You've got me wanting to see what that grown - in - the - wild bud is hittin' like!

What's good bandit? You got a lot more fillin out bro, trust. Usually the last 2 weeks I notice a good increase. As for chop, well that all depends on a multitude of things, usually it'll depend on your personal goal or desire in your smoke, most people will judge by the trichs and how much has turned amber. In many strains you can kinda get an idea about how it will smoke depending on that, I'm sure you hear people sayin all the time about how less amber more uppy kinda high, more amber more of a couch lock (most people especially medical patients look for that latter) but it also will vary with strain, I have also found not all plants will show amber or a lot, certain strains I have let go too long waiting for amber and the high wasn't there, it had just converted too much thc to cbd and I lost out. But them ladies are looking mighty fine. I'm thinkin road trip when you get it dried up... :)

Road trip??!! Shiiiiiiit, that would be tight! Man, can you imagine how it would go down if a handful, or more, of us could manage to link up for a weekend?! EPIC!
I've read it on here plenty of times, how less amber trichs equals a more of a high, while more amber trichs is more of a stoned effect, but I'll still be looking to consult you guys when the time comes cuz I don't wanna screw things up. I'm looking for more of s high effect, that's why I chose a sati dom strain. After another run of TD, I'll be looking to grow a nice n "get you stuck" indi strain.

I have a Nikon D40 with a Macro set and will have my ring flash set this week among another nicey nice too.But if you ever get the cash man..look for a used one similar cuz they are fairly old;ish as far as tech goes but High end either way ya look at it.and the lenses are like super cheap and package deal for an all out pro shooting hooby fun kit for 90 to your door..the whole hot package n buy a cpl DVD n practice kinda like I do that cuz you'll prolly do better than me n ill cry LMFAO!!:pass::crying:

Eyes, for some reason, cameras don't like me bro! I have a Cannon EOS that I spent several months trying to master, and 4 years later, I still suck at taking pics with it. Can't take a professional looking pic with it to save my life, so you don't have much competition coming from me, bro! For now, I'm gonna stick with my camera phone, but who knows? Once I've built up a fat personal stash, and I can stay puffin' on some strong, maybe I'll finally figure out how to work that damn camera. You know how it is sometimes; smoke some good weed, get into that zone, and you finally figure out something that you couldn't come close to figuring out when you were sober. I've done that a few times off some real good weed
Looking good, my Main Bandit! Looks like you successfully kept her out of the ditch....just stick the landing and it's all over but the munchies.
That's it, baby! Gotta line up with the runway lights, bring 'er in nice and slow, and set 'er down real smooth!
Note to self: Self, don't screw this one up!
Thats why this format of learning certain things is a little tough,cuz if you were sitting here I could show you and draw you what to look for in the Box(s) and angles and lighting..its really easy and I totally know whatcha mean by that Eureka Moment man..I remember mine not too long ago And im trying all self taught to figure this crap cuz my mom says I have a natural eye..? i dunno I think I take good pics but not great imo.its the camera imo.makes em look good but shes bias too lol

The easiest way I can explain it since you have a quality camera is to look at a bud for example right?...get close(no camera)n lean in n look at it for a minute n think hmmm this bud should fill up the whole screen when I look through..pull yer camera out n stick yer center box or aim point and set area of adjustment for fucus in yer menu and manual or auto.i recommend manual but not needed.then you put that middle viewfinder spot in the middle of that bud.the middle of your picture your trying to take will draw a center point on the screen.and adjust leaning in and out while adjusting your lens too from close to far and vise a versa the other way n you'll get that combo and distance and click off a handfull..its about seeing it..not taking it..just lining up the lines in the box to outline your picture in the viewfinder..make sense?..I hope so..LMAO!!"AFN smoke out"

edit: oh yeah man..look at one or two DVD's on amazon man..I got two and that helped me Tremendously man!!and some lenses more specific to what I wanna shoot.
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Wzup folks? I've got a question that has been at the back of my mind, just gnawing away at me for a while now, and I've put off asking it because I'm afraid of the answer I might get. As you guys can see from the pics, a few of my buds are in a cluster. A tight cluster. How worried about mold should I be? The humidity stays in the mid 40's - low 50's, sometimes creeping into the mid 50's, but not too often. I have the oscillating fan going 24/7, but a few of those buds are so close, I don't see how air can pass in between. How worried about mold should I be, and what, if anything, can I do to prevent it if it is something I should be worrying about?

I am prob not the best to ask this since my RH is at 87% right now, I am not in flower yet as you know but I also never really have low rh (except during winter months I get around 45-60), I just make sure there's plenty of air movement and so far I haven't had any issues.
I can tell you one good way to prevent it for sure (you having to deal with potential mold), ship em my way :)

First off, I think you are in little danger at those RH% levels...

Aside from very high RH%'s, it's my understanding that most rot and/or associated mold occurs when a dead leaf (yellow) gets hung up and starts decomposing while still connected to the plant.
So a gentle tug on yellow leaves to see if they'll come off would be beneficial...

my 2 cents

I am prob not the best to ask this since my RH is at 87% right now, I am not in flower yet as you know but I also never really have low rh (except during winter months I get around 45-60), I just make sure there's plenty of air movement and so far I haven't had any issues.
I can tell you one good way to prevent it for sure (you having to deal with potential mold), ship em my way :)

FREE, what it do? You my man and all, buuuuuut eh eh. No can do, bruh! I'll blaze a phatty in your name, though! LMBAO!!

First off, I think you are in little danger at those RH% levels...

Aside from very high RH%'s, it's my understanding that most rot and/or associated mold occurs when a dead leaf (yellow) gets hung up and starts decomposing while still connected to the plant.
So a gentle tug on yellow leaves to see if they'll come off would be beneficial...

my 2 cents

Thanks for that bit of info, Trap. I'll rest a lot more peaceful tonight because of it, bro!
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FREE, what it do? You my man and all, buuuuuut eh eh. No can do, bruh! I'll blaze a phatty in your name, though! LMBAO!!

Lol, I ain't mad at ya, no doubt take it to the head one time for me..
4sho! But in the meantime, in between time, let me pass this virtual J your way! :Sharing One: