New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Damn right, I chuckled in my head and then thought damn I wish I had somethin. She knew better though, she tried that several times last night tryin to get somethin, that's a baser.. I cant say I haven't thought about goin back over it again myself sittin here though... so horrible. I can't even gets regs right now and I'm only on day 28, holy shit :(
Damn, Free! Tough times ahead! Y'all gonna be at each other's throats in a hot second! Where da weed man at when you really need him?!
That shit has already started running through my mind! My fiance's mom like to grown flowers, and an occasional tomato, so I'm warming upo to the idea of giving her that sack of mg shit. LOL Stopo talking to myself? Hell no, It's therapeutic! And besides, if there's ever an argument, I always win!
DO IT!!...... I dare ya ;)

Hell yeah! Screw using a measuring spoon. Not precise enough. My girl likes it just right. Not too much, and definitely not too little. Pipettes get it right every time. You gotta send me the link so I can get mine in bulk!

Tiny pipettes - Theyre only 5ml but i can never get more than 3ml in the big uns anyways. 99p f a hundred. BARGAIN!!

I'm still trying to figure the whole pH thing out! Send me the link for that thread, if you don't mind. I need to educate myself on the subject. I feel like the big dumb kid in the classroom, when pH is the issue

Tool me about 20 years t find but here it is.... PH Thread

Lovely mental pic you created for me, lil miss Chandy...!

Oh hell yeah :-D I like paint a picture with my words.... a modern day picasso or sutin :-p lol.

LMFAO! We ain't worrying about that type of shit anymore, now are we?! Smoking only the bomb icky sticky, unmolested, and untouched by anyone but us who've grown it!

Oh hell no! The best things in life come unmolested and thats how i want em t stay!!!! lol.

Always love a happy ending! Especially when she gives me more than I expected!

Dont expect anything and your always guaranteed some kind o happy ending ;) haha.

Hey Chandy, too funny, your prob the kinda woman I'd get in trouble with ;)
The CC was a great strain, soo frosty and sweet, I will grow her again after I get a few other strains under me ....... no pun intended...

Not me squire, im a millicent bystander :-p lol.
She was indeed. Im growing another CC next go with 3 other different strains cus at least that way im guaranteed t have one smokin hot mama :-D

I have the very good fortune of having a fella that doesnt smoke weed... AT ALL! Because he dont smoke it i dont smoke as much so im saving weed all round, win win :) :Sharing One:
Ahoy there, matey! I'll be having you swabbing the decks before the 'morow, you filthy landlubber! OK, that's about all the pirate talk I know!
Avast ye scurvy sea dog. Who d ye think ye be ye filthy landlubber? I may be wench but that does not give ye t' starboard t' have me cleanin. Now walk t' plank before i feed ye t' crew ye dastardly bilge rat ye!

.....and theres plenty more where that came from ;) lol
Avast ye scurvy sea dog. Who d ye think ye be ye filthy landlubber? I may be wench but that does not give ye t' starboard t' have me cleanin. Now walk t' plank before i feed ye t' crew ye dastardly bilge rat ye!

.....and theres plenty more where that came from ;) lol

Chandy woulda been runnin shit back around 1720, somethin tells me there isn't much innocence comin from that direction :p
Also I can't say it must be nice Ur man doesn't burn, it's mixed emotions, nice to save weed and $... no no save $, however I do enjoy smokin with someone as well, partaking in that together can bring a lot to the table, least for me. Also thinking about the great relationships I've made over the years over the act of just passing a blunt :) Short story long, I met a random guy outside a storage unit smokin a blunt one day a long time ago, outta nowhere he asked if I burn and now were like brothers. aww
Not sure how I went on this tangent. Guess what I'm waitin for is this shit to grow on trees, wait... What.. grow on 40 trees out back :)
Chandy woulda been runnin shit back around 1720, somethin tells me there isn't much innocence comin from that direction :p

Chandy is the reincarnation of Anne Bonney, An infamous female pirate from back in the day! I swear she is!

I hear what you're sayin' Free. When I first moved to MD, and didn't know anyone, that's how I'd meet people. Go to the spot in the hood where all the guys hung out to play dominoes or spades, sit on the fence, and spark a blunt. When someone walked by with that look that said, "damn I wish I could hit that", I'd be like, "wzup, man? You tryin' to hit this blunt?" Of course they'd be on it, and then we'd start a good conversation. Made some long lasting friendships doing that. My fiancé doesn't blaze, and sometimes I wish she did. I save money, but... sometimes it would be nice.
Chandy woulda been runnin shit back around 1720, somethin tells me there isn't much innocence comin from that direction :p
Also I can't say it must be nice Ur man doesn't burn, it's mixed emotions, nice to save weed and $... no no save $, however I do enjoy smokin with someone as well, partaking in that together can bring a lot to the table, least for me. Also thinking about the great relationships I've made over the years over the act of just passing a blunt :) Short story long, I met a random guy outside a storage unit smokin a blunt one day a long time ago, outta nowhere he asked if I burn and now were like brothers. aww
Not sure how I went on this tangent. Guess what I'm waitin for is this shit to grow on trees, wait... What.. grow on 40 trees out back :)

You know this mhaaaan :smoke: Your wrong about the innocence though. some may say... and indeed they do say, butter wouldnt melt ;) lol.
I got a couple o friends i blaze with. Weed just has too much of an effect on him, he dont like it, lol.
We take other things together though. Once a month if we can we send the kid t one of his grandparentals and get our class A on :-D Tis good f the soul "Dancing Psiren"
Tis crazy the people ya meet through weed *CHEESE ALERT*...... like you lovely bunch o coconuts for example :pighug: lol. Ive met many a kindred through our lovely friend mary jane. Uniting the world since....... a while ago?

Chandy is the reincarnation of Anne Bonney, An infamous female pirate from back in the day! I swear she is!

I hear what you're sayin' Free. When I first moved to MD, and didn't know anyone, that's how I'd meet people. Go to the spot in the hood where all the guys hung out to play dominoes or spades, sit on the fence, and spark a blunt. When someone walked by with that look that said, "damn I wish I could hit that", I'd be like, "wzup, man? You tryin' to hit this blunt?" Of course they'd be on it, and then we'd start a good conversation. Made some long lasting friendships doing that. My fiancé doesn't blaze, and sometimes I wish she did. I save money, but... sometimes it would be nice.

ITS TRUE!! :-D Ive always had a weird thing f pirates. If i could go back in time id well be a swashbucklin buccaneer!! Bit dodgy being a woman pirate though, it seems t me they would o got raped alot. Sad but true :( Poor gals.
One o my favourite films.... 'Muppets Treasure Island'. I know all the words to all the songs.......
I wont sing it, you can judge f yourself :-D Muppets - Sailing for Adventure