I know, right?! I've heard nothing but good things! Good yields, good smell, good smoke... Sounds sweet to me!
Ha! Ha! Wasn't too stealthy at first, remember? Had a big ass fan/filter combo sitting on top until you advised me that putting it inside would drop the temps! I didn't know any better, and thought I was doing the smart thing by putting it on top so it would save space, and you had jokes! LOL! That was funny as hell! How stealthy was that?!:roflcry: Thanks to you, though, it's a true stealthy cab now.
Yeah, after this next run, I think I'll be ready to handle 2-3 plants at a time, and I wanna be able to do multiple strains, so I'm gonna try to expand a bit. Gonna give this cab to my partna who's dibbled and dabbled, but never really took the plunge.