New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

Thanks for the kind words, JT! I'm telling you, bro, the members on this site will have you doing some pretty amazing stuff with your plants, bro! You got access to tons of good, solid information! Soak it all in, and put it to good use when you grow!
Thanks for the kind words, JT! I'm telling you, bro, the members on this site will have you doing some pretty amazing stuff with your plants, bro! You got access to tons of good, solid information! Soak it all in, and put it to good use when you grow!
Thats what I'm doing bro! I'm having by far the best 420 forum experience EVER! And ive been on a few over the years.. lol
Ive gotten lotts of help and opinions that I value extremely. Lots of which has come from you bro!! Soo thanks for all the help thus far..
:bong: Glad you're enjoying the AFN experience every bit as much as I am! Man, I'm just passing along information that someone was kind enough to pass along to me!
Thanks for the kind words, JT! I'm telling you, bro, the members on this site will have you doing some pretty amazing stuff with your plants, bro! You got access to tons of good, solid information! Soak it all in, and put it to good use when you grow!

You got THAT right....
Yeah, I think she's screaming, "TAKE ME!" and I think you should oblige :)

Pretty happy now, right? :)

Happy? You know it!! Gotta give the girl what she wants, and if she wants me to take her, take her I shall!
Yah man you got my vote too
:kusht:great job. very impressive you got my vote this month

Maurice!! Glad to see you stopped through, my man! Thank you, bro. The competition is I tense! This site shows what growing is all about!

Yah man you got my vote too

Dread! Bro, after what the last crop of first timers put out, you and I gotta put in that work so we can hang wit the pack! I think we're representing well, though :Cheers:
Maurice!! Glad to see you stopped through, my man! Thank you, bro. The competition is I tense! This site shows what growing is all about!

Dread! Bro, after what the last crop of first timers put out, you and I gotta put in that work so we can hang wit the pack! I think we're representing well, though :Cheers:
Representing Indeed! :cool:
TaNg's Thang Prepare for battle, TGB. Have fun bro get your scissors nice amd bloody.