New Grower Hope She's Gentle. It's My First Time! - Think Different

I plan on making a tincture by taking the long route of letting the weed set in some everclear for a month but when I'm done, I plan on evaporating some of the alcohol out. Just enough until it takes on a syrupy thickness. Of course, I'm gonna water cure the buds first so all the chlorophyll and color is removed. I would lime to make some BHO, but don't you have to get all types of expensive equipment to pull that off? Not on that level yet
I plan on making a tincture by taking the long route of letting the weed set in some everclear for a month but when I'm done, I plan on evaporating some of the alcohol out. Just enough until it takes on a syrupy thickness. Of course, I'm gonna water cure the buds first so all the chlorophyll and color is removed. I would lime to make some BHO, but don't you have to get all types of expensive equipment to pull that off? Not on that level yet

Yeah that tincture sounds awesome bro! I don't have the patience like you do on shit like that lol.

On the BHO, it's really not expensive at all. All I've spent on supplies is about $40 in total. That includes an extractor tube, and 3 cans of 7x refined butane. That's basically all you need for small extractions (up to 1 oz of raw material). Oh and a pyrex dish, razor blade, wax paper, and a way to keep your container warm without a flame. Some people vacuum purge though, bro, and that's when it starts getting more expensive. You don't need to vacuum purge you can slow heat purge and save that $ for more beans :).
You gotta drop a link to the instructions on me, bro! I've mastered cooking, wanna try tinctures, and would love to learn BHO, too! Can't you use that with the oil vaporizers?
I plan on making a tincture by taking the long route of letting the weed set in some everclear for a month but when I'm done, I plan on evaporating some of the alcohol out. Just enough until it takes on a syrupy thickness. Of course, I'm gonna water cure the buds first so all the chlorophyll and color is removed. I would lime to make some BHO, but don't you have to get all types of expensive equipment to pull that off? Not on that level yet

This is similar to Rick Simpson's Oil, amazing stuff has more plant but people use it to cure disease.
I don't know why but I feel like I'm wasting when I make things, it's all mental (maybe). I made a tincture first, I didn't notice much, but I did split it four ways and it seemed on the light side.. I have made BHO, interesting enough I got pretty blitzed, however I didn't have the proper tools as well so I ended up smoking it off of something zinc plated on accident, bad idea, so cause of that ole girl refuses to try it again, also a LOT seems to go into it, but I will do it again prob with some from this grow. And then there is pop22's bad kitty oil. This turned out real nice, but I think I cooked it a lil long cause I got a lot of pain relief but low on the high scale.
What I really want to look into is the e-oil recipe, I'm not sure how similar it is to some of the other methods, but I love the idea of goin wherever the hell I want and blazin (kinda)
So I know I wasn't helpful what so ever but I was bored and started typin.
Yeah, the e oil is something I wanna look into doing also. Chillin', anywhere I wanna be, gettin' my tokie toke toke on, and no one has a clue! That's wzup! I just wanna try different ways to utilize the good ol' MJ to get my mind right. Some people only do blunts. I like blunts, bowls, bongs, and jointz. Some people only smoke. I like edibles, and smoking, but also wanna try vaping, tinctures, the wax, etc... I'm just tryin' to release my mind and let my conscious flow free, ya dig?!
Haha, that's what's up, too many times I've said "gotta get my mind right" and people are like "what?" fckn ducks. I'm kinda old school, I love blunts, I don't like wraps, I repeat I hate wraps, gimme a dutch any day, I don't mind the work.. (has to be normal size, not a cigarillo,damn shits to small especially for my fat fingers) I loved my hooka and bongs but as of late they're not around :( so I tend to spark it up in a bowl most the time, although I fully intend on getting a vaporizer cause I've been having serious problems coughing lately, makes me sound like a bitch and an amateur. I haven't done much cooking though, doesn't seem to be enough or too much, guess I should actually have some kind of ratio, and as mentioned I have attempted and tried a few other things, but all in all I don't wanna get too far away from the original, you know, I kinda felt like a baser smokin the wax, I got buddies who take like 15 steps to finally get right, I'm all about quick and convenient most of the time anymore.

pack it-light it-smoke it-get high :)
I hate wraps to the utmost. Right before I took my hiatus, I started rolling Raw papers. They're cool, but don't hit like a good blunt. They burn surprisingly slow and even for papers, though! I wanna build my glassware back up to what it used to be, so recently I got myself a medium size steamroller, a blown blue glass bowl, and a set of glass tips. I got a bong, but I need to upgrade that joint. If I had the dough, I'd get that Staxalot set, but for right now, a cool clear ripper will be cool
I actually have plans to make some eliquid in the near future, I have all the materials I've just been lazy, maybe this weekend, if I get around to it I'll do a write up.
hope to see that write up mate.wish there was a tincture station/factory in the stuff
I actually have plans to make some eliquid in the near future, I have all the materials I've just been lazy, maybe this weekend, if I get around to it I'll do a write up.