Grow Room Homeade stealth grow cab

Thanks man. The led are in a void 40mm below the top with 13x 16 mm holes at the sides with mdf baffles directing the flow. Over the drivers and sinks. This is totally sealed from the grow room so needs no filter. To the left of the grow area there is a 80mm void with a wall around 230mm long and 60mm wide full of carbon out of a damaged phresh filter I bought cheap. I'm a joiner and heating engineer so I Can make a cab fairly easy and the carbon is so simple and works amazing. This took ages and it is extremely good but I complicated it massively I started a new one today and I expect it to be way better and take less than a quarter of the time. Not as stealthy because its a huge speaker but wouldn't look out of place in a bachelor pad etc. Work is tight round here lately and rather than sit about I'm trying to make this crack as a business. I'm a qualified teacher /heating engineer/gas fitter /advamced craft joiner qualifications in it and a fair few more aswell I'm still struggling to find work so God help the ones with no qualifications. I'm not one for sitting about so tried to think of a new business and I have knowledge in every aspect of n building furniture grow cabs heating and venting lighting spectrums and electrics so after been told for years I make the best cabs ever it's took me till now to realise there's a huge market for it.
The cab above does work absolutely perfect it runs so cool the temp actually drops when it's turned on. The same can be achieved way simpler so I won't be doing any more of these but If I was to make one for myself then I would put the extra effort in and make this one.its so good I walked up to it half baked last night forgetting it was a panel and not 2 doors and tried to open it like a door and ended up with a black toe.
Of anyone is interested Iet me know and I will do a few working drawings so you can copy it.

As I said it's a lot off fucking about but it's the only one I would be confident putting in my living room
Does anyone know the rules on recommending things. I stated I was making cabs and never realised selling wasn't allowed. It was mebr actually a sale there all on ebay but I mentioned it.

Anyway there is somebody I am buying cobs with active sinks and 10x3w diodes and I am very impressed with them. I Cant find better for twice the price. This isn't a add and I'm not going to mention there name but if its allowed? I will. Its uk only and there not the latest diodes there bridgelux/epistar etc but people only seem to look at the usual specs but a cab is a different story. My space I grow in year round is around 1800 x 420 x440 mm and I run a 250w hps no problem. It works magnificently with that small cab with flat white walls. Tightest densest buds I have ever felt. Anyway I wanted it cooler for summer and thought of I get a migro 100 Iy will run cooler. I can move flower cab higher and have a veg room below. Didn't work out like that. Temps were perfect but the migro 100 is no doubt the holy grail of led Cobs luminous put cree to shame BTW. But as good as they are it's the worst. Light I have ever run in a cab. It says 30cm away in flower but from mine and many more people's experience it will toady a ant at 70cm should defo have different lens options to spread the light because the hot-spot is ridiculous to be fair they even say there's a got spot in there add and claim its fine. We'll it isn't 4 perfect plants changed from hps 14"away to migro 12" as stayed burned to shit within a few hour raised it a foot. Kept burning ran out of headroom and lost 4 plants as easy as that.
I don't believe most things I hear now days for eg autos have a predetermined life. Well I set off with 4 put one outside that did nothing for about 11 weeks the other 3 inside have been dried cured and smoked weeks ago and now this has gone crazy and is absolute monster and I put it out cos it looked stunted and weak. This is the furthest on but every other one went into flower exact Same time and many different strains. I think they grow fine with intense light and a set schedule but I think it needs to be set because these fuckers weren't fowering for shit until about 10 days ago.
I haven't got the room for any. More than I need but I would love someone to try this and adjust there timer to match the sunrise and sunset outside because all my autos and everyone else's flowered this week and some were put out beginning of May and some 10th June. From my experience geaduly Imcreasimg light hours keeps a auto in veg.
I'm sure I'm not the first to see this because it's happened on every single matter what age or strain they all flowered the same day. Was a nice supprise lol.
Does anyone know the rules on recommending things. I stated I was making cabs and never realised selling wasn't allowed. It was mebr actually a sale there all on ebay but I mentioned it.

Anyway there is somebody I am buying cobs with active sinks and 10x3w diodes and I am very impressed with them. I Cant find better for twice the price. This isn't a add and I'm not going to mention there name but if its allowed? I will. Its uk only and there not the latest diodes there bridgelux/epistar etc but people only seem to look at the usual specs but a cab is a different story. My space I grow in year round is around 1800 x 420 x440 mm and I run a 250w hps no problem. It works magnificently with that small cab with flat white walls. Tightest densest buds I have ever felt. Anyway I wanted it cooler for summer and thought of I get a migro 100 Iy will run cooler. I can move flower cab higher and have a veg room below. Didn't work out like that. Temps were perfect but the migro 100 is no doubt the holy grail of led Cobs luminous put cree to shame BTW. But as good as they are it's the worst. Light I have ever run in a cab. It says 30cm away in flower but from mine and many more people's experience it will toady a ant at 70cm should defo have different lens options to spread the light because the hot-spot is ridiculous to be fair they even say there's a got spot in there add and claim its fine. We'll it isn't 4 perfect plants changed from hps 14"away to migro 12" as stayed burned to shit within a few hour raised it a foot. Kept burning ran out of headroom and lost 4 plants as easy as that.

Can't help on the recommending I'm afraid mate.

Interesting you say about the hotspots and light burn though - I've seen a few growers in this forum use COBs in small cabinets and it's always struck me as asking for trouble. I mean if it works for them, they know better than me so fair play. But from the light specs of COBs it seems like it *should* be a real problem.

I'm in the process of planning and building a PC case grow box at the moment ant that space is *so* small I've decided to go with as many Samsung Q series strips as I can fit in and run them as cool as possible to hopefully prevent hotspots.