Live Stoners Hobbes Autoflower Cup Pipe Dreamin'

Son of Hobbes

High of the Tiger
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2012
Reaction score
Hypothetically speaking, if someone were so inclined to host an Autoflower Cup event here in the USA (wink wink,) how far would you be willing to travel?

Does it make sense to have it on the coast (east or west?)

Or does it make more sense to keep it centralized (like Colorado?)

Did anyone attend the first two Autoflower Cups? Each one was put on by a different person, but I've heard far more horror stories about how they went down than positive things lol...

Just curious what kind of feedback this would get; or there would ever be any interest in an AFN sponsored cup event?

We used to mull around the idea of seed swaps/exchanges too.

It's getting warm, getting antsy!
With my wife's ailments I'm kinda stuck staying around the homestead....but would support it anyway I could....and I think the swap/exchange idea is good but there could be legalities involved for people like me in unfriendly would need to be a send a seed/get a seed kind of thing from a central location in a friendly state. As someone just starting on the road to trying to make seeds and seeing others "pile" they got, the thought of getting too many out of it and having to trash em in a few years because I couldn't get around to using them kind of galls me. Would rather just send most to a exchange with a note....crossed this female with this fem pollenator and got these, have fun with them.
I would say make sure its a place where people can fly cheep like vegas,cali,or even NY now LOL I work from home so all i need is internet LOL. Im just thinking of places that are vacation hubs that have really low flights year round. FL is one also. OR just come to Puerto Rico Med use you can get for a few dollars and flights are like 200 or less. LOL You know wht after this hole pandemic people arelooking for shit to do ..could be HUGE..PLUS I think we need to start The real AUTO cup as AFN is the real AUTO OG place.
I would say make sure its a place where people can fly cheep like vegas,cali,or even NY now LOL I work from home so all i need is internet LOL. Im just thinking of places that are vacation hubs that have really low flights year round. FL is one also. OR just come to Puerto Rico Med use you can get for a few dollars and flights are like 200 or less. LOL You know wht after this hole pandemic people arelooking for shit to do ..could be HUGE..PLUS I think we need to start The real AUTO cup as AFN is the real AUTO OG place.
Fl is out, very unfriendly to non med users and probably won't change for a few years.....but we trying.
I think on the east coast Massachusetts is legal and there are several legal states that are connected around there. Pretty sure you can drive from NJ to ME without hitting any unfriendly states if you go the right way
I've been talking to @FullDuplex about it, and trying to nail down some things that the past cups did wrong, what they did right, etc. Trying to not repeat the same mistakes if they can be avoided.

Personally I'd like to see the emphasis be more about what it's ABOUT, and less on "can this make money." Make it accessible, make it affordable.

Or make a Festival that just happens to have a cup contest? :hump:
I really like the idea of an AFN Autoflower Cup Event, I'm in Europe myself though.
It's a HUGE amount of work to both organise and make run relatively smooth though, be prepared to work at double of your worst anticipation
I really like the idea of an AFN Autoflower Cup Event, I'm in Europe myself though.
It's a HUGE amount of work to both organise and make run relatively smooth though, be prepared to work at double of your worst anticipation

That's why we're going to have lots of help! Let me just ask you... are you familiar with the term "indentured servitude?"