Grow Room Hindiana (Seeds Of Life) 100w hps

ya man ,one of these days Id love to revisit these genetics and try them organic since i was using mostly chems back when i did them.Nice plants!! i liked mine even then,heres to a killer harvest man!:Hookah:
day 39

Day 39

My leggy Hindiana did not like to be home alone without propper food for 5 days. So she was a little sad to look at, half dried and a little sun burn.
A 5L res. aint enough for 5 days:clap:. ( #Jack she`s still on top feed ) ohh well she survied :grin:
So she was quite happy when she got some food again.

Pictures from day 36 ish
For the nearsighted click the pic:

Ohh it aint a sun burn it´s canabalism yum yum:pighug:


Tap water
Canna aqua vega
Grotek cal max
Ratio 25/10/5

Ppm 1080
Ec 2,16
ph 5,7 - 6,2
Restemp 19,0c

Ksj, Did you leave your light on its regular cycle when you left your plants alone? When I went away last year (when you encouraged me to build my first controller) I shortening my photo period so the plants wouldn't drink as much. Have you ever tried anything like that?

ya man ,one of these days Id love to revisit these genetics and try them organic since i was using mostly chems back when i did them.Nice plants!! i liked mine even then,heres to a killer harvest man!:Hookah:

Thanx for stopping by On Fire
yeah theres some really potent stuff in some of their strains :)

On your way to another epic wowza!

Hi Bigol!
Yeah she is comming along nicely :grin:

Ksj, Did you leave your light on its regular cycle when you left your plants alone? When I went away last year (when you encouraged me to build my first controller) I shortening my photo period so the plants wouldn't drink as much. Have you ever tried anything like that?


Hi Jack
Yes 20/4 cycle, theres alot of evaporation going on in that tent, i had a 10L res. ready but no time to change it :), So something had to happend :-(..
Havent tried that method, I must admit all my focus is on my Big Low,, And the Hindiana haven´t got my full attention..

How you liking the Linux? I've got a friend who's a software arch. He won't use anything but Linux. He runs it on Macs.
How you liking the Linux? I've got a friend who's a software arch. He won't use anything but Linux. He runs it on Macs.

I have only use it for browsing and media center, and so far itś working alrigh, Im a mac user so used to some more "userfriendly" system :)..But sofar my linux comp is okay for daily computeruse :). Gonna use it for a server (robot grow-room) when the rest is up and running :smoke:
The robo grow room control center is getting real close. I'll let you know when it's ready. It's going to be a monster. I've run Linux on virtual machines on a few PCs. I really like the OS and the Open Source spirit but there's the learning curve and VMs can be buggy. So I've never stuck with it. But it's supposed to be really stable. I've been using Windows since it came out. It's like a heroin addiction. I know it's bad for me but I can't stop using it. :no:

PIcture update

Hindiana Day 48
She is moved under the led to finish
For the nearsighted click the pic:

Big Low Day 60 54w led :smoke:
She is moved under the hps to finish
For the nearsighted click the pic:

Enjoy the weekend

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Any exciting plans this weekend? :Sharing One: