All good. I think it is ????? I ain´t home.
Iĺl be back tomorrow. for a res change.and changing the led out with 3200kelvin 54w. Then i have a plain to catch on sunday. Iĺl be back again around Easter..Busy bee
Overall the trip was all good.
Got home to a almost dried out hindiana,Droppy leaves. some heat stress from the light e.t.c.
The big low is doing mighty fine.
Changing res atm. hope the hindiana will show some improvement the next couple of days..She´s a sad plant to look at atm LOL.
:Sharing One:
Great Easter to u2 Jayar.
Everything looks big in my tiny tents. big low is looking stellar under those two small 27w led panels.
Pics comming up in a couple of days :thumbs:
I did the same this morning. I still have some algae but not much. I'm using enzymes and H2O2. What happened to your hindiana? Are you using your auto waterer?
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