Outdoor hillbilly outdoor grow

I am having a new expierence. I have so many new crosses to try, but I am still high from the first few I am having a hard time judging the others. A couple I have put in long term storage to be tested well later. I am not complaining, this is just something new to me is all. I have tried trying one as the first of the day, but after a couple of hits all I know is YEE HAA. I am able to get an idea of the different taste, and I am amazed at the variations. Each one is special in it's own way. The pineapple express was the biggest disappoint, small yeild of a strong seditive! I guess this may be considered a medical benifit, but I don't like being sedated. I like to sit in front of my eisel , get high in a way that lets me consitrate on small details of an image, not go to bed.
Picture 279.jpgI was at my spot yesterday and I picked one of the buds I left to go longer. This is a bud from helel keller, and all I left are filling out nicley. The hairs are dead and the seed bracks are filling with whatever it is that makes them look like pine cones. The resin is so thick that to touch it is to stick to it. I have been so interested in the next 2 groups that I was ignoring the second picking on the big photos. I have pollenated all the smallest buds at the bottom of the plants and will wait for them to finish, but I will take the rest in a week or two. This will be one oderest haul. Go photos!
Picture 284.jpgPicture 293.jpgPicture 292.jpgPicture 285.jpgThis is the buds that remain after taking the terminal buds and waiting 3 more weeks. The lower ones were small then but now have filled out with lots of sun and the big root system to support them. In all the pics you can see where the many nights of heavy frost have damaged the sun leaves but not the sugar leaves. Maybe the heavy coating of chyrstles on them protect them. The big buds sticking up are some pure sativas that I was wondering if they had enough time to finish. I beleive they will. All these buds are now so sticky you can not touch them.
Damn what a nice report what a location...merlins dreamland instantely saved one pic....i will put it on my wall for shure wow :)...whats up with the autos?
Picture 338.jpgPicture 337.jpgPicture 335.jpgThe third pic is me begining the harvest at sunrise. The second is the patch with all but one of group D gone. The last of D is a sativa that needs another month. The first shows a couple buds from helen, filled out nice, huh? I got to try a full sativa today and WOW. I was talking a mile a minute and could not set still. No body high except for some awesome rushes.Still to finish are groups E and F. Groups A,B and C were autos,D was photos and F and E photos and autos. A good year from a great patch. That makes 12 years of sucusesses for this patch. Isn,t it strange that this small peice of ground that is thought by everybody to be non-farmable, has produced enough wealth over the years to equal the cost of a big house? To follow the end of this patch for the year, follow my thread "photos verses auto" to see the end of groups E and F. Thanks for watching the fun with me!
great job mate! max repp!

always sad to see the pah empty IMHO... :toke:

but nice to take home a bunch of primo green eh?

Isn,t it strange that this small peice of ground that is thought by everybody to be non-farmable, has produced enough wealth over the years to equal the cost of a big house?

It's amazing what a good grower can do ANYWHERE... :dance2: :smokeit:
Great job stonemaster i love the way the buds look with the sun shining on them looks awesome wish i had a patch like that. I would give you max rep if this site would hurry up and let me ( but i guess i need to earn it first ) anyway great job and keep us updated on smoke report.
:clap::clap::clap: to you my friend very well done:smokeit:

There is no sign of re-vegging that I can see. They just never stoped growing. I thought this was normal.