Hieght ?

Dec 1, 2012
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I've recently bought 2 Mars11 400"s. I know the website says 18-24" above the plants for hanging these. Is that what most everyone adheres to? I'm new to leds and these are 5w chips so maybe that distance will be alright but seems a little high to me. Thanks
If its,for,seedings bring them down to about 15 or so, just keep an eye on them though. I have mine at 20 cm and mine are flying up!
I've recently bought 2 Mars11 400"s. I know the website says 18-24" above the plants for hanging these. Is that what most everyone adheres to? I'm new to leds and these are 5w chips so maybe that distance will be alright but seems a little high to me. Thanks
High Loud Pipes, sorry I miss your post, usually the recommend distance is 18~24 inches above the plants during veg and around 12~18inches during flower. You can do some adjustice based on your own set up and needs, :d5:
Hi Camith, this is just the recommended distance, you can hang the light higher or lower as long as your plants don't have bad feedbacks.
I still have some J47 left from that grow and I keep it in my personal stash. I'm constantly tweaking the way I grow and I know damn well I could grow a better J47 now than I did. It's good pot! I run 3 MarsHydro 11 400's in my grow area so I have a lot of light. I normally start at about 18-20" and occasionally raise the lights as they grow mostly just by eye balling-where they look about right. I've used these lights for a while now. The height isn't something you have to micro manage. Just use some common sense and the lights will work just fine:peace:Pipes
I still have some J47 left from that grow and I keep it in my personal stash. I'm constantly tweaking the way I grow and I know damn well I could grow a better J47 now than I did. It's good pot! I run 3 MarsHydro 11 400's in my grow area so I have a lot of light. I normally start at about 18-20" and occasionally raise the lights as they grow mostly just by eye balling-where they look about right. I've used these lights for a while now. The height isn't something you have to micro manage. Just use some common sense and the lights will work just fine:peace:Pipes
thats about all i can find out about it, that its good smoke haha owell.
mines just over a month and i'm impressed with size... and its very distinct leaves.
and its only under one ref 48 at 80-105w and going strong.
I had mine at the recommended 24 to 30" and they were happy as a pig in s***, untill i double checked users recommended distances. not fussued either way, like i said im impressed with growth even at higher distances