Live Stoner Chat Hi everybody

i'm Martin from SANlight,
as I have been invited for an interview by @stepside i opened an account, and this is my first post.

The interview will take place at friday 18.09.2017 at 6pm GMT.
Looking forward to reply your questions....

Regards Martin
Ohh i see.. yes, This should be Aug 18
OK, ladys and gents...was just a littel swing by....sweared my family the 2 1/2 days hardcore family thing to be there on friday the entire day and my wife makes tststs, so i check out and see you all in 2 days!
Hello Martin,

welcome to the Auto side of life, I just know you will enjoy the cool Vibe we have at AFN, we are like no other Cannabis forum. We do not tolerate trolls, spammers, cranks, bad mouthing, arguments or Penguins.

I will be there to help moderate the interview, not that it needs any moderating, our Live Stoners and Warriors are just the best. You will have fun and will be able to showcase your gear. See you soon my friend..................eP.
welcome to afn, should hit up live stoners chat later and take in some vibes, walk the court before the big game.
and blaze something of course.. look forward to seeing you around
i'm Martin from SANlight,
as I have been invited for an interview by @stepside i opened an account, and this is my first post.

The interview will take place at friday 18.09.2017 at 6pm GMT.
Looking forward to reply your questions....

Regards Martin
Welcome to afn ,can't wait to see members rock these leds heard a lot of good things about them seen a few grows with spectacular results ,very high quality.Very nice addition to the cool vibe ,the auto flower net is known for .