the pics are a lil outta focus but decent enough me thinks,thanks for putting them up dude.yeah AI is right if the seed is still stuck to the leaf you can lightly scrape it off with your thumb,but in all honesty unless the crinkle and/or discoloration really goes upto the stem it'll be just fine most likely if .you dont wanna mess with it,those wee round leaves will most often wither up n fall off. and imo id be using atleast a small CFL at around 18 hours of light and a nother week er so after your first starter feeding which id imagine youll do before then possibly and youll be right as rain id think man.
or just use a pair of small sharp tweezers or a stick pen and grab an edge and lift it lightly,and pick away at it lightly,if it dont wanna budge just leave it.hope that helps ya out man.cant tell if there is any other discoloration and.or spots but they look clean and a bit leggy but a small CFL or 2ft T5 panel will do you juuust fine man:Sharing One:
Edit: LOL ya took it off,ya it looked like it was crusted to the leaf tip..i was gonna recommend slicing the itty bitty piece of leaf off if it bothered you but it should be fine man.