New Grower Hi All :) 2nd grow has Begun.....

Hi AR, some of those leaves in the first group of pictures look like some sort of bacterial infection. Low N can also cause lower leaves to drop. Are you keeping humidity under 40% with good ventilation? Is there anyway that water could be getting on the lower leaves and staying there for more than 30-60 minutes?
Hi AR, some of those leaves in the first group of pictures look like some sort of bacterial infection. Low N can also cause lower leaves to drop. Are you keeping humidity under 40% with good ventilation? Is there anyway that water could be getting on the lower leaves and staying there for more than 30-60 minutes?

Hey oldster !!!! :) :)

Interesting looks like bacterial does.. They are On Sensi Bloom A/B for the last 8 days....On day 36 i switched them to bloom, Root juice, Clamag and bigbud....I just moved up to 2ml per Litr. Humidity NEVER below 40% always between 50 and 60%.....The Ventilation is Good, Have 250ml Fan between low and high speed depending on outside temps but moslty high.....I stopped foliar feeding 10 ago.....and when watering only watering the soil. Also just to note 90 per cent look great, Green and healthy.. of them 19 girls...the top of plants fine! just when looking with a fine eye just a few leaves looking like the pictures..probably all started within the last week..?! After noticing the bottom half a few days ago not looking healty... started seeing few of them a little higher top part of the plant also. Basically the bottom leaves are just falling off even to touch like they weak!! Lots of them?? :shrug:
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Steady, Auto, I was afraid a couple of those pics looked odd. I'm fighting the flu right now, lemme look at your new pics and check my notes. Low temps and +60 RH no bueno, amigo.

Steady as she goes...Got it RR, cheers for fast reply...will give them the Epsom salts tomorrow :thumbsup: and will stay off upping there feed intake for now...have a magnifier to check them effected spots! Let you KNOW! As A good Irish mother would say (here get a wee whiskey into you son :stir:
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Took these unhealthy leaves out 2night from bottom of girls apart from the obvious green ones! Whoops, and Some of them feel off......there still LOTS of PLANT LEAVES LEFT!!! :) Lets face it Alot Squeezed in there!

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Still in the grips of the Flu (or something:shrug:), hows it looking AR? If it's fungal, you should be able to see raised areas of what are called "fruiting bodies" under magnification. Especially on the perimeter of the spots.
This moved so fast, I'm wondering if it might even be a root issue. I know air pots allow the soil to dry pretty fast, but your high RH make me wonder if you're letting your soil stay too damp?
Update your pics and what's going on when you get the chance, Brother, and Hallelujah for oldster chiming in! :toke: A guru's Guru!:bow:
3 HIGH TEAM Members in one day that's impressive!!! BOOM Information calmness! First ...Temps up and dehumidifier on all night from now, Current temp 25 degrees humidity 46% lets see what happens from here

Oldster - yep cool! i also today removed all the rest today and cut off the infection parts, So its a clean sea of green only, we'll see when/where it you said ill leave for couple days all post up the findings...

HH - Lock and load !!! High T Members rule!

RR - Get better we need your 100 and 10 per cent at all times! :biggrin: .....How it looking, first time I've ever checked this situation with a 100x magnification...I'm comparing a healthy leaf to a sick one, and only difference i see is the colour, healthy (white background with cloudy balls) perimeter sick leaf - rusty brown with rusty brown balls..not seeing anything mad looking back at me:goauto: !!!!!
...Okay, big picture stuff,... what bothers me most are green leaves being cleaved off so quickly,... No defc. issue does this; and you say the tops look fine? They do in the pics,... no wilting up high either? A root issue (good call Red!) is what comes to mind first for me, but such trauma would show up higher with other symptoms, so I'm not sure,... as mentioned, it's not uncommon for leaves that are light starved to shut down and drop off, but usually not en mass like that,... conflicting! :doh: I'll ask a couple other gurus,...
...looking at the leaves themselves:
This looks N defc. and light starved,...both can cause them to drop off,...

....>>> that looks like a bit of Ca defc.,...or less typical P defc.-->

.....others with the yellow blotches, I'm not sure,.. they don't fit any defc, symptom well,... but then, they don't have that wet or watery yellow/brown look that's common with fungal/bacterial infections,... they almost look like light lensing burns, but you said there's been no water splashed up there,.... I do see some tip burn, on the 'teeth"s as well here and there, which is likely a touch on nute burn,...
I see some leaf distortion, and edge rolling on some uppers,.. heat stress--? Were they light/heat roasted recently? --not necessarily whole tent heat, but proximity intensity from HPS in particular,...
So, for starters, if you're not using Ca-Mg supp's yet, start them, full power,... meantime, I'll consult witha friend about the leaf drop,..:smoking: