...Okay, big picture stuff,... what bothers me most are green leaves being cleaved off so quickly,... No defc. issue does this; and you say the tops look fine? They do in the pics,... no wilting up high either? A root issue (good call Red!) is what comes to mind first for me, but such trauma would show up higher with other symptoms, so I'm not sure,... as mentioned, it's not uncommon for leaves that are light starved to shut down and drop off, but usually not
en mass like that,... conflicting!

I'll ask a couple other gurus,...
...looking at the leaves themselves:
This looks N defc. and light starved,...both can cause them to drop off,...
....>>> that looks like a bit of Ca defc.,...or less typical P defc.-->
.....others with the yellow blotches, I'm not sure,.. they don't fit any defc, symptom well,... but then, they don't have that wet or watery yellow/brown look that's common with fungal/bacterial infections,... they almost look like light lensing burns, but you said there's been no water splashed up there,.... I do see some tip burn, on the 'teeth"s as well here and there, which is likely a touch on nute burn,...
I see some leaf distortion, and edge rolling on some uppers,.. heat stress--? Were they light/heat roasted recently? --not necessarily whole tent heat, but proximity intensity from HPS in particular,...
So, for starters, if you're not using Ca-Mg supp's yet, start them, full power,... meantime, I'll consult witha friend about the leaf drop,..:smoking: