Live Stoner Chat Hey y'all! Somebody throw me a few beads here!

Seem like a natural to me ! Just keep an eye on your girls, as they'll be first to tell you if your doing anything wrong. Best wishes.
Hey tetra,
You got that right. All worry and fret there for the first couple of weeks, now i do just watch them. I was telling dwcocha, they start drooping about time my lights go off and perk up just after they come back on again. they droop a bit after I've had my face poking around under their skirts checking to see if everything looks ok. And god forbid i bring the lights straight back down after a res change.
A belated welcome NKRgrow! :)

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

Looks like you got half of the high team behind you lol!!
With advice from DWCoacha too, i'm sure you'll be getting good results really quickly!

Happy growing!
All the best

Blue ^_^
A belated welcome NKRgrow! :)

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

Looks like you got half of the high team behind you lol!!
With advice from DWCoacha too, i'm sure you'll be getting good results really quickly!

Happy growing!
All the best

Blue ^_^
Thank you so much! I like it here and yes, ddub had been a lifesaver. Er, well... a weed saver!
[QUOTE="st s skeptical at first too. I've only been a member for enough time to complete 1 grow. Waiting for the drying now. Good luck on your first grow, you definitely came to the right place[/QUOTE]
Hey stepside!
Thanks for posting. In day 37 now and it's a ride everyday with the girls.
Skeptical, yeah i think. So many other websites are so harsh and critical. Everyone gets been anything but! Just good people growing weed.
Hope you're drying is going ok. Ugh...will i ever get there? !
Hey stepside!
Thanks for posting. In day 37 now and it's a ride everyday with the girls.
Skeptical, yeah i think. So many other websites are so harsh and critical. Everyone gets been anything but! Just good people growing weed.
Hope you're drying is going ok. Ugh...will i ever get there? ![/QUOTE]
I'm sure you will but even if everything goes wrong and you have a complete disaster you'll get something out of it. Knowledge even if its what not to do... And I bet you'll have fun doing it
I have failed more than once,i have a burning desire to grow and smoke my own shit.You can not depend on others to supply you with what you need.I,m not rich and i,m not poor,just like to grow pot.My mistakes were before i joined AFN i still fuck up but at least i know why.I,m am so pumped to be back on line with my peeps from AFN.
Hey man,
Glad to see you back. The only way to learn is to make mistakes right? I'm one smart s.o.b