Live Stoner Chat Hey Y'all. Poppylon56 and I'm a newbe

Welcome to the AFN family @PoppyLon56 and thank you for your service. That's a heck of a list of stuff you already have. :vibes: on getting the room setup this week. If you have any questions pop over in LiveStoners thread and someone will be around shortly to help out. Hope to see you start a new grow journal and you can post pics of your setup all the way through grow for others to see.
Welcome aboard! That grow space sounds amazing!! Thanks for joining and sharing your journey! Good luck in everything you choose to grow!!
Thanks for your long service! I'm a vet, was assigned to HHC 12th CAG, just after they were redeployed from Bragg to Weisbaden.

Welcome again, and i'll be following.
thanks you for your service and the friendly welcome
:slap::slap::slap::slap: !!!!!!
mate! that is hands down, by a country mile, the most impressive first time set up ive seen yet!! haha your in for some ride man. wow ! cant wait to see this all up and running. ive got no idea about making recirculating systems tbh but theres a highlighted thread about it at the top of the hydro discussion forum. im pretty handy with hydro growing though so please feel free to tag me with any questions. tag me up in your journal too and ill sub in. youve got some balls takin all that on mate. it wont be easy so take your time and ask of absolutely anything your not sure of and we’ll make sure your staying on track :greenthumb:
Thanks EvilScotsman It took many months to get all the stuff and lot of money. I have still got some more work on the grow room. I am hoping to have it all together by the 1st of the year.
thank you very much.