they're only tryin to help you man....here is yur cheap ass solution to yur problem bro....open the closet door completely, get a piece of black plastic visquine from yur hardware store, get some wide black vinyl electrical tape at the same store, go home and put it completely over the doorway, taping completely around the frame and threshold, now....slice a hole to put a fan blowin out into yur filter yur gonna get, keeping in mind that inlet holes for fresh air also need to be in the plastic too. total cost for tape and plastic is under 15 bucks. other than that, like you were advised...cheap ass solutions that don't work usually invite trouble. :smokebuds:
a tent no thanks and the pokey wtf....sorry but u dont go to jail for asking ???s u donk, or for a couple of plants they could care less...unless ur a scumbag punk...like u