New Grower Hey quick ?? on filters

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they're only tryin to help you is yur cheap ass solution to yur problem the closet door completely, get a piece of black plastic visquine from yur hardware store, get some wide black vinyl electrical tape at the same store, go home and put it completely over the doorway, taping completely around the frame and threshold, now....slice a hole to put a fan blowin out into yur filter yur gonna get, keeping in mind that inlet holes for fresh air also need to be in the plastic too. total cost for tape and plastic is under 15 bucks. other than that, like you were ass solutions that don't work usually invite trouble. :smokebuds:
a tent no thanks and the pokey wtf....sorry but u dont go to jail for asking ???s u donk, or for a couple of plants they could care less...unless ur a scumbag u
a tent no thanks and the pokey wtf....sorry but u dont go to jail for asking ???s u donk, or for a couple of plants they could care less...unless ur a scumbag u


Beg to differ mate. :peace:

From local(ish) news. Couple arrested for 3 plants in veg in tent. don't see any carbon filter hanging in that tent do ye? What do ye think got that couple arrested? A nosey neighbour who could smell the pong from the last 3 plants in flower who made a report. The pigs were on a mission that day to bust 100 people in raids and were coming up short so personal growers are always a good target.

They won't get the jail unless they have previous but they've lost their grow kit and weed. Done with possetion with intent to suppply, cultivation and production of cannabis. nice record for 3 plants, coulda been avoided for less that 50 quid a little effort and ingenuity.

man i'd love to smack that feckin grin of that Little Hitler copper standing so proud in front of three 4 week old plants.

Anyway, scrimp on the filter or diy one and you run the risk of that next bust being you, i was not intending to offend you, just highlight the seriousness, i am not joking when i say that if you get busted it's usually down to one of 2 things. 1 you told someone or 2 someone could smell the smell of weed from your house.


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you would be better to buy a cheap scented candle than just stick a filter in the corner and expect it to kill any smell at all. the filter needs to be atatched to a duct fan and needs neg pressure to work. your 3 options are
1) buy a fan filter kit and cut 2 holes in your closet
2) buy a few tubs of ona gel and keep your fingers crossed
3) skimp on he ventilation and end up with un healthy plants (not enough fresh air flow) or taking a communal shower with 'big dave' and his mates at your local jail after your neighbours get fed up with the smell of weed.

happy new year :smoke:

:peace: pipez
Really guys i mean 90% of us on here prob arent legal..Im not a cheap-ass i run quatum ballast hortilux bulbs advanced PH'd balanced nutes ect....I just dont like cutting holes def not a carpenter...There was an old guy who got caught with 600+ plants and he did get in trouble....well he got a huge fine but no jail time, a lady just had 28 plants and she has a court apperence, a guy with 40+ same thing court apperence...Point being never been in trouble wont get in trouble for a couple of plants...
Really guys i mean 90% of us on here prob arent legal..Im not a cheap-ass i run quatum ballast hortilux bulbs advanced PH'd balanced nutes ect....I just dont like cutting holes def not a carpenter...There was an old guy who got caught with 600+ plants and he did get in trouble....well he got a huge fine but no jail time, a lady just had 28 plants and she has a court apperence, a guy with 40+ same thing court apperence...Point being never been in trouble wont get in trouble for a couple of plants...
I don't know where you live, but I am not the type to take chances with my freedom. Some guy growing 600 plants probably had the $$$$ to hire some top notch lawyers, provided that that was not his first grow, since he obviously wasn't growing for personal use. Where I live, I have seen guys go to prison for 10 years, for one sickly plant, growing under a shop light. But of course, they couldn't afford a lawyer, or a bribe. You didn't mention anything about what the penalties are in your state, but just because, all they have is a court appearance, doesn't mean they will not get jail time. That is up to the courts to decide. So if you want to take a chance, with your freedom, that is your business, and I frankly could care less. You ask our advice, we gave it, and you didn't like what that advice was. So if you want to ignore it, you are free to do so. The only question I have, is why you bothered to ask advice, if you were going to ignore it, and had already made up your mind what you were going to do anyway. Seems to me like a waste of your, and our time.
But that is just my humble opinion.

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Point being never been in trouble wont get in trouble for a couple of plants...


Actually you will probably end up in a cell with some huge fucker askin you if you want to be the husband or the wife!

Pick husband and you will likely hear "Get over here and suck your wife's dick"
Pick wife and well, you know what happens.....
Point being never been in trouble wont get in trouble for a couple of plants...

Not being a cheapass and having a decent setup means when the cops find it, although it is only 3 plants the headline is that your running a factory or farm.

Depends what you consider trouble, if having to repair a 100 year old smashed in front door is trouble then you can be in it. I would rather retrofit a cupboard door than replace a 100 year old front door. Since it's obviously a rental your landlord will find out and evict you.

If getting arrested and taken out to the street for the "perp walk" through yer neighbours alongside your ripped up plants and put in the back of a police van. Spose that's no trouble to you. If ye have a partner then i spose thats no trouble to them either coz if they are in the house when it gets raided they are getting arrested too.

Sure ye might get off without a jail sentence but those coppers are going to push for not only cultivation charges but also intent to supply which means your income and savings get investgated.

If having the local police come and boot down that door everytime you repair it just to check if your growing again as by then you will have a previous record, you will be fair game for a the next few years. You will also be fair game for stop and searches and road side searches since you will have previous for marajuana
i guess id hate to live where u guys do if u get thrown in jail for a couple of plants....Also this house is NOT mine so destroying it aint an option (cant always find the right wood and stuff to make it back to normal with a house this old)...If i built a false door then the small closet would be to small and not worth it...But anyways im just gonna wait till tax time and be out of my state where the bill to legalize has been sitting for 2 yrs atleast and trust me my state(opposite of LA theres ??) would def benefit from it...I know the fan/filter is ideal folks not disputing that i was just wondering if i could do something else so i could do a small seed run of some new beans i got like 2 weeks ago cuz i was waiting to see if i could get something to help with the problem but guess theres only 1 way to do things sometimes...(u guys can keep the husbands for your selves) NO none of them got jail time the old man got house arrest no federal time..
The UK and it's a postcode lottery whether you will go to jail for 3 plants or get a slap on the wrists for 30.

btw when retro fitting a new door to the wardrober, your only limited by your own imagination, why don't yo make the new door protrude out the front of the drobe by 6 inches giving you slightly more space inside, you don't even have to take the old door off if it can just hang open
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