Live Stoners Hey AFN folk, total newbie first grow.

Figured I'd stop by and say hello. I've made some big upgrades, tent, led lights, filter and also some cloth pots. I've never used cloth pots before and was wondering how important having clay pucks or what not in the bottom for drainage? Is it necessary? Thanks AFN.
I dont put any in mine. Just make sure there us space under the bottom of the pot. My trays have raised ridges to allow airflow.
Welcome @Scirzo, there are allot of helpful people on here and allot of good advice. I've been on for a few months lurking around peeping over different ones. I have a grow journal and photo album started for this grow. It is my first grow and I have already made allot of upgrades. Feel free to come check it out.

@Rebel, wouldn't this be considered an introduction?
Good luck with your grows my friend, we are here to help and encourage............eP.
Hey @Yeatster I'd like to invite you to come peek at my journal and photo album and any feed back would be great, thanks.:pass:
Caught up. I'm not sure why I was singled out to join here...I'll take it as a compliment. I will be happy to hang out for the duration. Where's this new set up ya got? I want pictures!
So far so good man. I started in a pahticle boahd box, so I can relate.