Hextractor 1500 press/enail test by budelee

Giggity giggaty gig-a-teee!! :jawdrop: :finger: :bow: :crying: -- C'moooon! What a score my friend! :d5: That is a sweet little machine there,... I dig the compactness, clean design,... cool graphics too!
What's the trick here with the metal mesh Bud-E? I'm not savvy with the whole rosin scene,... mainly as a particulate filter? I was thinking about losses to it, like you,... seems acceptable, and you can always toss the screens into alcohol for superfine qwiso- :eyebrows: ....huh, odd the return on the 160 is better,... more wire strands, more surface area to cover with rosin..? ... The other thing I was wondering about was how much moisture is getting forced out on live bud,...I'm betting there's a happy medium to find on moisture content,...and if the steam helps move the rosin out better when under that intense pressure... Oh, what's the PSI on that thumb mangler? :rofl:
...But mostly, I wondering how it is you're still standing, much less operating a computer! :laughcry: :baked:-->:dizzy:-->
--> :poof:
.... :haha::haha: :baghead: :haha::haha:

:pighug: Awesome presentation brudda, spank you very much for sharing :slap: :headbang:
My brother from the other udder !!! This is a slick unit!! Works sweet as well.. Okay heres my thoughts on your ??? Some people use nylon mesh bags, the premade ones are really nice and durable, blowouts happen so better to work slow, a blowout will contaminate that pull and waste a bunch of time!! All i had eas these screens from some other extract methods, so i used em, but yes this is just a filter to keep contam to a minimim... Excellent call on the screens/alcohol, thats what i plan on doing with em, the stainless steel will hold up better to iso cleanings, theres a couple ways to go here with steel or mesh, and different micron and temps, trial and error for best return until i get a better feel for the machine and the different moisture content of the material, the fresh material did get some water content squeezed out as well but these sheets were left open to air dry, now i am gathering a pile to go schmokee on,.. I can see just using each sheet as a "hit" but i wanna get these cleaned up and in a silicon till i finish the rig.... I will squeeze everday and give a report on the returns of the fresh plants, i think the peak return/moisture will be around 65% but it's just a thought,... This unit will press from 1300-1500 psi... I dont know if i mentioned this, the air compressor in the unit is quick to fill, the unit is ready to go within 5-8 seconds( for pressure)... More updates tomorrow, where more fresh buds will be mashed for their gold!!
The taste and quality is much better imho There's a big difference to the point that I'd rather not have alcohol/butane extracts again. Not sure about the yields, I'd guess it would be less.

One of these would sure be nice to have. Make and smoke it, all in one unit. No chemicals and torches...
I hear ya. We make rubs, RSO and tincs for medical folks. I'm always on the lookout for better extraction methods..
I hear ya. We make rubs, RSO and tincs for medical folks. I'm always on the lookout for better extraction methods..
On return, my thought is that there are more aggresive techniques for best medicinal return, if a patient needed a "solvent free" product, their choices for concentrates are limited and this is an excellent form of solvent free oil, this would be better suited for individual user tho..and lemme say this, the terpine smell from the fresh stuff is unreal, i think it would be the lemonine(sp?),whatever it is has a very distinct and unique smell from the fresh squeezed buds.. That stuff will btw be used for edibles.. Last thought on return, Bee Nails does have a bigger unit that would fill the commercial/multi user bill nicely, i think the bigger models also squeeze at way higher pressure..
Was there moisture in it?
A terpene test would be cool, the difference in taste from wet to dry.
Hi bro, not sure if i answered this ques.. Yes, there was water/moisture still in there, the pics show the wrinkles in the parchment where it soaked it up
Is there a different in taste between the fresh flower vs cured?

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Hi, yes there is a difference in the taste,smell and flavor.. Some may prefer one over the other, ill just smoke em both...lol
Which one do you get a better returns on?

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The fresh material is giving a better return at this point,yields will improve with time, i will also change temps to see if it helps or hurts..