New Grower Here We go


The Road To Nowhere Leads To Me
Sep 20, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Gotta Grow It First
So I finally got everything needed for liftoff.Minus a few things I had to go out and buy I have to say I am impressed with Mars Hydro especially the inline fan.Today makes day three and the seed just sprouted.I have no AC going and my temps are 80-83F with 44-50% rh with a side vent on the bottom setup so about two inches are open(makes for one hell of a nightlight).

If I turn the fan on just the slightest,like where it is so low it will turn itself off/stop running without actually turning it off it makes the rf in the 20% area.During the day with lights off the temps are 73-76F and 65-72 rh no AC.So the inline fan works good.I have the fan sitting on top of the tent and it is resting on one of the crossbars the lights are hanging from and on the edge of the tent frame.So it means that no pressure is being pushed downward on the tent/no damage to tent will occur.Lights are 18/6 for now unless it gets too cold then 24/0 it will be.So far the last two nights have been 39-44F.
Tent/Fans:Mars Hydro 2 foot by 2 foot by 5.2 foot.Fans are MH inline 4 inch fan with a Honeywell 7 inch fan that sits on the floor and have a Hurricane 6 inch clip on fan.

Light:Mars Hydro TS 600 100 watt/give or take a few watts on either side.
Schedule:Light schedule will be 18/6 for now and if it gets too cold will be left on 24hrs a day or possibly a small heater.
Water: Plain tap water that my report states that is 180/200 PPM with a PH of 7 to near 8.No chlorine in water that I could find.I am doing a no PH just add the water in when time to water and see how this pans out.The pot was watered good and sat and ran/dripped for a bit then the seed was added.I put the seed a good 1/4 of an inch down after I made a hole with the little pointed container the seed came in then covered it up nice and loose but a TAD firm.

Medium:Soil that is FFOF and I ended up with MG that is the same that @Zeromitch used during one of his grows(long story short soils were ordered then were sold out and my Roots Organic had too many bugs in it so it was returned) and I used the MG to put the seed in as I think it is less hot than the FFOF(I know I know).

Nutrients:Build a soil top dress kit and have some unsulfured molasses on hand.Will be adding to my arsenal when funds allow.
Pots:The ones that came with the Mars Hydro kit that appear to be some kind of felt/cloth material.They seem good and drain nice as well.
Strain:Fast Buds Green Crack

So before I watered the pot it weighed 10lbs. and after 16-17ish pounds.Today is day three since I planted the seed and the pot still weights the same.Before the seed sprouted which about an hour ago I gave a very light mist to the top soil so it would not dry out and hopefully make it easier to sprout.

So here are a few pictures of the seed that just sprouted an hour ago.Lights are 28 and a half inches above.MH calls for 16-24 inches for seedlings and I read that it might be best to start a few inches above that to be safe.Will adjust when needed.There are a few containers with water to help with humidity which I might get rid of as I don't think it was helping.


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So no where to put clip on fan cause clip is designed the way it is.But the cord is also too short unless I hang the fan way on the top.So I might buy a pole clip to attach the fan to at some point.Until then I have rigged it up this way and am dialing in the temp and humidity.I really like the tent as there are no pin holes whatsoever but it is too small overall is the only issue.So another bigger Mars Hydro tent will be bought one day.

So far if I leave all fans off the temps get to 80-83F and humidity to 60+ which seems good for this stage(?) but as soon as a fan kicks in humidity drops like crazy and the highest I can keep it is 39-42% humidity at 77-79F.And if the fan and inline fan are both on humidity drops down to high teens mid twenties.Seems it will be easier to control temps during veg/flower.


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I use humidity domes during the first week or two to help with RH for the seedlings - i.e., just a clear plastic disposable cup with some airholes cut into the bottom and top for air circulation.

After that, I needed to run humidifiers until ~day 30-40 when the plants were finally giving giving off enough of their own.
I don't have any air moving around except once a while as rh is non existent and I don't want to starve her of rh.Lights are just coming on now.Local place near me has Black Gold seed starter in stock so i'll order that to go with my other bag of FFOF soil as it appears to be stunted growth(?)

I knew there would be a chance of the soil being a little too ''hot.''Man,so much around me is out of stock and even Amazon will send emails saying ''we're sorry but we're out of stock,here's your $ back.'' Makes getting what I need a pain in the ass lol.Yeah,a humidifier is needed when I can get one.Jobs are non existent ATM here.

Pot weighs a good 2-3lbs lighter so I have a good 6-7 to go before I re water.


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Lights are at 28'' which is as high as they go.Wondering if they should be lowered 3-4 inches?Just lowered lights to 25.''Temps at 78.8F with 40% rh and rh is dropping.Tent vent on bottom with mesh screen is open about a good two inches.Will close it so rh rises and temps will reach 83-84ish F
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So looking at how small the plant is I believe it is way too small to continue on and will yank 'er out.At this point as bad as I need my meds I will continue to buy from dispensaries as the value is quite a bit better than growing your own as It seems that there is a never ending list of items to buy.Also,there is way too much info on how to grow that contradicts everything you read.Just when you read up another article or person says 100% just the opposite.So,with that said I am tossing everything I bought into the dumpster tonight as it does me no good.I want to thank those who gave me advice and best of luck.I am also not one to give up and am a very hands on mechanical type individual but for the life of me have had the worst fuking time getting this all together and making it work.I respect those who take it to another level.That is not me and didn't care if my harvest was top notch.....just something to smoke for my physical issues and my mental issues which are really bad as of late.

700 plus and still items to buy means you would have to harvest 4oz off your first plant to be a tad over what you put into it in my area.And that is 200-250 for an oz of bottom shelf.At that amount there is no inexpensive way to enter this hobby at an affordable entry price.Too bad there isn't a sticky that is more in depth/detailed to what it REALLY costs.

Don’t give up now man! That sprout hasnt had enough time for significant growth based on the pictures you’ve attached. I’d at least wait a few weeks until you’ve given the plant enough time to develop a few nodes, top it and lst it. You’ll likely be surprised and happy you’d waited rather than getting discouraged this early in the run.

Growing in my experience is a game of patienc. Don’t get discouraged! Your sprout looks exactly how it should based on the photos you’ve attache. Give her time. Sprout a few more if you’re worried about yield. You can always run a few sea of green style in 2g or even smaller containers..
Don’t give up now man! That sprout hasnt had enough time for significant growth based on the pictures you’ve attached. I’d at least wait a few weeks until you’ve given the plant enough time to develop a few nodes, top it and lst it. You’ll likely be surprised and happy you’d waited rather than getting discouraged this early in the run.

Growing in my experience is a game of patienc. Don’t get discouraged! Your sprout looks exactly how it should based on the photos you’ve attache. Give her time. Sprout a few more if you’re worried about yield. You can always run a few sea of green style in 2g or even smaller containers..
Agree 100%. Hope you stick with it. My completed grows have all been replete with issues but all have yielded excellent and plentiful bud. You’re just getting going! If you’re feeling like the sprout is slow, drop the light a bit and monitor for a couple of days.

It’s probably not going to go perfectly your first grow, and probably not on your second or third or fourth either. But you’ll be shocked at what these plants can produce even when we’re learning how to give them what they want. You can do this, friend.
Well...I have sunk this much $$$ into this hobby and I love it too much to give up as well.Thanks for the encouragement fellas.So,days later I came to the conclusion I over watered the pot before I placed the seed in.So instead of driving myself crazy I yanked it.I then ran through the soil and let it dry out to being like it came...moist.Then dropped in a Fast Buds Blue Dream Matic which it appears from multiple members that it is looking ok.I think I am burned out from doing so much research and trying to be too perfect and not wanting to make a mistake that I am just tripping too much on it(fucking OCD)

So I thought this one was doomed too so I dropped a Fast Buds Girl Scout Cookies in another 5g pot filled up with FFOF earlier today(Thinking the other was toast)so if the Blue Dream does not make it hopefully this one does.So now(I know) two under one light and two in a 2x2.We shall see.

Watering is only done in small amounts since they are in a big container and checked daily by putting a finger all the way it will go in multiple areas of the soil and when dry it gets water.I don't water until runoff as I don't want to drown them and the pot will take to long to dry out.When grown in then it will be watered fully then weighed when full and go from there.

So pics of Blue Dream at day 5.small2.jpgsmall1.jpg
Nice! I'm glad you decided to keep going. Good luck and I look forward to watching this thread!