New Grower HERE WE GO! first time budget grower

They will keep shooting new pistils and getting fatter right up to harvest. Those girls look great but without being able to see the trichs we can't do much but guess
Thanks guys! jolene is a total babe!

but, um...plants, pleeeeaaase?

plantz-?? oh ya, them green thingz, right-? we already said they're "beautiful", "sexy" & "fab"...what the hell more u want out of us, hmm-?? :rofl: but seriously, um, me own honest opinion is the one u don't wanna hear, soooo -> me ain't gonna say it...:coffee: ppp

p.s. yup, ur gonna wanna get a loupe...jus sayin... ;) ppp
I would say four weeks .. nowhere near far enough.

60 x mag for the answer.

Look at the nodal spacing of the bud and the narrowness .... this is the weeks the buds pack.

My best from Mephisto is 14.85. Slow is better. You want buds like Mephs site .... that takes time.

Right... back to your gorgeous kitten. No more plant talk :-p
Oh can I also say.... there are so many factors which mean our girls do not meet the breeders estimates. Only my non topped natural girl matched Meph.

In fact, I like to use that to my advantage. Slow = bigger yields.

Maybe have a read of this :- OK Meph Heads : Harnessing Auto's Competitiveness Instinct

or see this where I am growing two Sour Crack Side by Side natural v trained :

I would guess you have topped and trained your girls ... so add + 30 days minimum.

Interesting huh?!!!
OUCH!! you guys are KILLIN me. FOUR WEEKS?? alright. i'll get a loupe. i'll look at the trichs. maybe i can get a picture with my micro lens. four weeks is sooooooooo long. but i want them to be their best. i'll fucking wait. i'll pout, but i'll fucking wait.

now back to the kitten!! Jolene is such a schmoop. yeah, her eyes are still blue and she's STILL being bottle fed. i try and give her "real" food. i've given her kitten formulated food and actual meat (little bits of warm chicken and ground beef). she's tolerated both with the beef and chicken, obviously, being the preferred. but, in the end, all she wants is her bottle and i think she may be spoiled. already. she seems to love being a baby in this house full of strange animals. and i love having her here. she's a very good girl.
Oh can I also say.... there are so many factors which mean our girls do not meet the breeders estimates. Only my non topped natural girl matched Meph.

In fact, I like to use that to my advantage. Slow = bigger yields.

Maybe have a read of this :- OK Meph Heads : Harnessing Auto's Competitiveness Instinct

or see this where I am growing two Sour Crack Side by Side natural v trained :

I would guess you have topped and trained your girls ... so add + 30 days minimum.

Interesting huh?!!!

...uh, jumper, u keep gettin off the subject :nono: the subject is -> KITTIEZ! :kitty: ok, carry on plz...:biggrin: ppp
Oh can I also say.... there are so many factors which mean our girls do not meet the breeders estimates. Only my non topped natural girl matched Meph.

In fact, I like to use that to my advantage. Slow = bigger yields.

Maybe have a read of this :- OK Meph Heads : Harnessing Auto's Competitiveness Instinct

or see this where I am growing two Sour Crack Side by Side natural v trained :

I would guess you have topped and trained your girls ... so add + 30 days minimum.

Interesting huh?!!!
yeah it is! i'll take a look at your journal. i'm definitely interested in a side by side.

i didn't top this first round. maybe then, less than four weeks???????
OUCH!! you guys are KILLIN me. FOUR WEEKS?? alright. i'll get a loupe. i'll look at the trichs. maybe i can get a picture with my micro lens. four weeks is sooooooooo long. but i want them to be their best. i'll fucking wait. i'll pout, but i'll fucking wait.

now back to the kitten!! Jolene is such a schmoop. yeah, her eyes are still blue and she's STILL being bottle fed. i try and give her "real" food. i've given her kitten formulated food and actual meat (little bits of warm chicken and ground beef). she's tolerated both with the beef and chicken, obviously, being the preferred. but, in the end, all she wants is her bottle and i think she may be spoiled. already. she seems to love being a baby in this house full of strange animals. and i love having her here. she's a very good girl.

Patience bro..... you need to play with the kitten. she has so many skills to learn. She is so young. Beautiful but so young to be away from mum.

I have a 5 year old toyger (toy tiger) and a 2 year old curled ear keetso (snow leopard). They only eat raw food, as they are spoilt! The toyger is so Bengal but insistently loving.. to the point of you do what she says. 1hr cat cuddles and climbing frames! I still have scars from her growing up!

We have some Norwegian Forrest Cats and a few Main Coone and some large Bengals in the area (cat crazy neighbourhood) - but they stay well clear from her. She howls like a banshee and has a terrible temper!

The snow leopard is bonkers. Takes the fact her sister rules the enter neighbourhood and lounges around. She hates summer and lies in the coldest dampest shade. In the winter she is a total hunter.... bringing us everything. She likes to eat it all as well! Lovely! We almost lost her twice due to kidney and liver defects.but fortunately we seem to have her medicines OK. She will burn bright, but she has a loving home and nobody else would take her - no insurance is possible rescuing a dying cat. We bit the bullet and many weeks later we got her home from IC. She has only been back over night twice. So hopefully we are almost there now.