Ok it appears my water ec is up from the base of 0.2 to 0.3, so effectively they were being fed a nute strength of 0.3ec, this is the shitty mephistos i am talking about that i potted into one pot for a little fun see if they live or die.
So i've checked/recalibrated my bluelab truncheon and bluelab ph meter and all's good in that department.
I have lowered the air exchange in my room so fans kicks in @ 22.5c, i had it kicking in @ 20c, so this should up the temps from 68f and rh from 50% to higher.
I have had so many variations on feed strength, frequency that i have read up shitloads today and have made up a mix from 10 litres of water and just added silicon @ half strength 5ml and Rhizotonic @ full strength 40ml, Base water stood for 24 hours = 0.3ec, added the silicon same, added the Rhizotonic 0.4ec ph'ed down to 5.9.
I have watered a very little amount to each pot and will check tomorrow to see if they require more and if they are hungry.
When i said i have 20 years experience growing, i did somehow forget to mention that this was hardly ever from seed, as i always did clones from mother plants cuts taken, swapped, bought, gifted, etc etc, so again very little knowledge of seedlings, when ever i have grown from seed, i have never paid them much attention and just let them get on growing however long it takes them, this is where autos are completely different, as i'm on a very fast time frame, so apologies for not mentioning this beforehand, and enjoy my auto grow, which may result in a proper shit show

I repotted the two x mephistos which are 33 days from seed into pouches after tussling the root ball a bit, i also repotted the 3 x stardawg phenos i have as they looked hungry and were in fact pretty wet in their small pots so i added as always a layer of coco pebbles in the base of the pots as i did with the grow pouches, oh i topped both mephistos too. and NOOO i do not have OCD with pot arrangement
