New Grower Here goes, wish me luck.

Well fuck me sideways, i took the mephisto seedlings outta the 6 litre pots and the coco was drier than a nuns, anyway outta big pots into 2 litre pots and now under cloning light as my three big bastard plants need 12/12, so these are vegging under this 12 hours then under 315cdm another 12 hours, the led was not putting out enough heat in the room maxing a poxey 62f, which is about as much use a as chocolate fireguard, cdm is is for now.
Upload some pics in a while.

fyi those sawney beans, beans are flying along compared to those shitty mephistos.:woohoo1::d5:



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Well temps were way down in my flower room overnight under the 315cdm also down in veg tent under twin 2ft T5, noth room around 62f ish so today after much umming and arring i think i have it sorted, i have added the sf4000 to my 90cm x 90cm x 60cm veg tent and set it to 200w, on 24/7 i have pulled the temp room probe from flower room and plonked it into the small veg tent which is situated outside my flower room, so when the temps rises the inline fan kicks in and warm air gets pulled out of the veg tent into the flower room to warm that room up and exits via carbon filter outta my attic roof space, so all is looking good atm Fingers crossed
Update on temps, not looking too far off now i just need to adjust fan idle settings. :woohoo1:


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Well mr Sawney Bean , i have a bone to pick with you, well i potted up 5 x predator seeds that had germed yesterday and noticed one had not so popped it back into the paper towel to germ overnight, well this morning i opened the paper towel and still NOT germed, so i popped it into a glass of water, this is the result, pmsl, it was an empty seed husk from the 5 outta 5 that germed, it's an age thing.

On another note the original 9 x mephisto seeds that look like shite in the photos are soon to be binned, the two larger ones that are now 30-32 days from seed look ok, not to impressive the stem thickness, but hey ho i'm learning the hard way, compared to the others that are all healthy and growing well under the led 30" away, man i'm impressed how seedlings don't appear to stretch under leds considering the distance the light is from them, i'm now a convert to leds.


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Temps are a little up and down, i may have to up the SF led watts to warm both rooms up.:biggrin:

The 9 x mephisto seedling that look dire shall be in the bin shortly :woohoo1:



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Temps are a little up and down, i may have to up the SF led watts to warm both rooms up.:biggrin:

The 9 x mephisto seedling that look dire shall be in the bin shortly :woohoo1:


They just need some food! ^_^ .. If the foods there, then it must be the PH not letting them take it!
And maybe more watering ... Looks very dry in there!

..I've seen (had) worse
They just need some food! ^_^ .. If the foods there, then it must be the PH not letting them take it!
And maybe more watering ... Looks very dry in there!

..I've seen (had) worse
they were last fed 0.6ec/cf or whatever the reading is on bluelab truncheon, they are ph 5.9 everytime, they have not been watered today, i was awaiting replies as to what strength, 0.6cf/ec being ok.
Thanks for advice blue
Ok it appears my water ec is up from the base of 0.2 to 0.3, so effectively they were being fed a nute strength of 0.3ec, this is the shitty mephistos i am talking about that i potted into one pot for a little fun see if they live or die.
So i've checked/recalibrated my bluelab truncheon and bluelab ph meter and all's good in that department.
I have lowered the air exchange in my room so fans kicks in @ 22.5c, i had it kicking in @ 20c, so this should up the temps from 68f and rh from 50% to higher.
I have had so many variations on feed strength, frequency that i have read up shitloads today and have made up a mix from 10 litres of water and just added silicon @ half strength 5ml and Rhizotonic @ full strength 40ml, Base water stood for 24 hours = 0.3ec, added the silicon same, added the Rhizotonic 0.4ec ph'ed down to 5.9.
I have watered a very little amount to each pot and will check tomorrow to see if they require more and if they are hungry.
When i said i have 20 years experience growing, i did somehow forget to mention that this was hardly ever from seed, as i always did clones from mother plants cuts taken, swapped, bought, gifted, etc etc, so again very little knowledge of seedlings, when ever i have grown from seed, i have never paid them much attention and just let them get on growing however long it takes them, this is where autos are completely different, as i'm on a very fast time frame, so apologies for not mentioning this beforehand, and enjoy my auto grow, which may result in a proper shit show :bighug: :woohoo1: :shrug: I repotted the two x mephistos which are 33 days from seed into pouches after tussling the root ball a bit, i also repotted the 3 x stardawg phenos i have as they looked hungry and were in fact pretty wet in their small pots so i added as always a layer of coco pebbles in the base of the pots as i did with the grow pouches, oh i topped both mephistos too. and NOOO i do not have OCD with pot arrangement:woohoo:


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