Mr Tang, I'm kinda an all or nothing type'a guy but rest assured it wont be too long, its too much fun to wait too long, plus I really want to see what those Grownorthern babies can do start to finish!
Slitherly, mate great to hear from you and thanks so much, hows your stash smoking?
Noods, it would appear you have gotten to know me pretty well

yes I do have some beans of the think different variety only thing is, I'm well excited with whats going on over in the TaNg room just not sure I can wait for the official release!
dw1, thanks, things sure were a little hairy at the start almost gave up at one point as you know, since then its not all been plain sailing but I have enjoyed every last cycle. As for the lights I looked at so many different options and to be honest the main reasons I went for mine are Dan at Grownorthern is a massive help and his customer service is second to none and 4 lights give you greater flexibility with height and placement. I could have just gone with 4 of the 4 spot lights but 90 x 3watt per unit kinda grabbed my attention

, If you drop him a line he will defo help out