Seed Bank Herbies Head Shop - &

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I have been using them for a year almost just never seen this long of a delay is all. It has me worried. Stupid paranoia and draconian laws suck.
+1 on slow Holiday shipping. I wouldn't fret, TJ. I had a chat with my UPS guy last Friday, and he is looking at 16 hour days through 12/24. And, he says that these days UPS hands about 25% of packages to the USPS for final delivery!?
It's not worry time yet....Holidays slows everything down. If they were siezed, they would forward the package (opened and resealed) with
a little notice that they had been seized by customs for "Agricultural" reasons and that would be the end of it. At least that's my impression
from all the posts I've read regarding the subject.

I know the anxiety and anticipation are rough...but you're only at the 2 week mark. Wouldn't start sweating it yet.
Thanks. The package they send is so small no idea how they would get a letter in it. Its smaller than a deck of cards. Its just odd I go from getting them in 5 days or under to this. Thats why the paranoia bug has bitten me.
Thanks. The package they send is so small no idea how they would get a letter in it. Its smaller than a deck of cards. Its just odd I go from getting them in 5 days or under to this. Thats why the paranoia bug has bitten me.

My Herbie's parcel was larger than that... (without going into details ;)
duno,but I just spent 30mins there and still don't know what to get next.