Indoor Hempy Buckets! by Gauge Steel

gardens lookin awesome tho man. youll have sore fingers cone harvest time by the look of it. the big ones fuckin crazy. : )
Thanks, as does yours. Cant wait for your chop and smoke report. Its going to be one for the history book! Thanks for stopping bye.
Look what I built this morning!
100watts of 3500k goodness.

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@Gauge Steel i try to go through your journal, but your big size photos and the internet-conection I have brings my toughts back to the years when i waited 20 minutes for a Pamela andersson photo. And when I scroll down and accidently open a photo, im screwed. I really want to read, but I can't finish a page without problems. And press a like button when screen is freezed I have not have problems with over a decade. It's not you, its me :frowny:. I read what the connection allows me to. I have 4G but using a double VPN.
@Gauge Steel i try to go through your journal, but your big size photos and the internet-conection I have brings my toughts back to the years when i waited 20 minutes for a Pamela andersson photo. And when I scroll down and accidently open a photo, im screwed. I really want to read, but I can't finish a page without problems. And press a like button when screen is freezed I have not have problems with over a decade. It's not you, its me :frowny:. I read what the connection allows me to. I have 4G but using a double VPN.
Would it help if i use thumbnail pic's? thanks for stopping bye.
Haha, i cant even quote your message Without problems . It's only your page that I run in to this problems. I will see if a clean up will help me out little. Dont lower your pics for me, it's my loss, but I really want to read. I try the best it allows me.