New Grower Help!

When I water them again I'm going to use 7.5 Ph water to bring the soil Ph up a little but should I add cal-mag when I water next? place for troubles is at the Infirmary, or Live help Thread-- we'll spot things faster there, though EoF and Brim gotcha pretty quick here! :thumbs:
...looking at the pics, I think there's at least a 3-way TARFU going on here--
>> the soil pH (way to acidic) Fux Farms soils have been showing up a lot these days with serious pH issues,...even HF is now suspect,...very inconsistent! Some get okay bags, but many do not,...
> the tabs - I don't care what the makers say about the damn things being made for MJ seedlings...they are bad news for autos, period... at 14-6-6, slow release or not, that's way too hot for auto seedlings, especially with the roots surrounding them,...I have doubts even for photo' seedlings, frankly,... We've seen several cases with soil tabs come in, usually with nute burn,...
>> main symptoms look like K defc. to me, but the pale upper growth hints at others as well (early symptoms like that overlap with some other defc.'s), which are also compounded and muddied-up by the low pH; other possible locked-out nutrients include Mg, S, Ca, P... I see your pH readings from run-off testing- oof! .... I've come to dislike this method because of the many sources of potential measurement error inherent in it, but it's given us the gist of the situation,... acidity is much too low, messing with nutrient uptake,...the tabs still continue to release stuff, but the plant isn't taking them up, so the proximity conc. levels are going up, making matters worse,...
...:check: so, first thing to fix is that pH!! ...the tabs are stuck in there, unfortunately,... Flushing with well mineralized water at the very least- (hard water, tap usually, that's been dechlorinated)-- the minerals, Ca and Mg carbonates, are the pH buffers,.... pH up adjusters can be used too, to get that water pH up above 7.0 to around 8.0,... flush through at least 1.5-2x the volume of pot size, and take a reading again; in the final pour, include some Ca-Mg, and a very weak dose of nutes; flushing is a stressor itself, as you're basically water logging the soil, smothering the roots, but it's the lesser evil here-- you can speed draining by placing the pots on a small stack of news paper, or towels, with a couple paper towels directly under the pot, to facilitate capillary action, drawing out the excess water faster!....This is the fastest acting way to deal with the low soil pH,... other options get more tricky,... hydrated lime is right-now fast, unlike other things that are CaCO3 based (lime, oyster shells, dolomite- slowest of all), and getting them deep into the soil is more difficult... powdered stuff will penetrate the best, when mixed in with the water... these do not actually fully dissolve, but powders suspend and penetrate the best,... Hydrated lime is powerful stuff, and honestly, I've only used it when mixing in the soil before planting,... I'd have to ask some others about water suspension dosage, if you go this route,....I'd try the flushing first though,... :goodluck:
yeah them spikes (which essentially what the tabs are just under the roots :no: )
in all honesty thats why i slightly hinted at redoing it n ill help with your soil mix but to waste all the resources on a young stunted plant is just a waste but that my opinion only. thats a rough go of it brother!! best of luck to you my friend.:Sharing One:
So flush again with Ph water of 8.0 and run some cal-mag through on final flush? I need to order nutes but don't know what to get as I made a rookie mistake and relied on the tabs suggestions?
check this link out. it's pretty good. and check out the other's in the fert section. I use fox farm trio with beastie bloomz and cha-ching. I got them cheap from a farm supply store. I guess they don't work so well for corn, lol. TaNgs NEW improved Feeding Schedule. lot's of good nute's out there.
So flush again with Ph water of 8.0 and run some cal-mag through on final flush? I need to order nutes but don't know what to get as I made a rookie mistake and relied on the tabs suggestions?[dva/QUOTE]

Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow A + B and Sensi Bloom A + B that's all you need to know . Follow the instructions and you can't go wrong . Your welcome . :tiphat:
Thanks for all the help guys!! My plants are 6 weeks and have started the flowering stage looking very healthy! I do have another question: my landlord is coming in to do a house inspection quick this weekend and if I warm my car up would I be okay to transfer the 2 plants to my car for an hour without it stressing them to the point they won't make it?
if they are small enough to fit in a cardboard box, or you can fit a large enough box in your car to hold the plant's, I'd say yes. cover the box with a blanket and throw a couple of them chemical hand warmer pack's in there. I gave a plant to a friend and it sat in my truck for 8+ hour's and it's doing fine. better safe than sorry.
Hey guys my plants are on week 7 and has been flowering for a week but the flowering sites don't seem to be getting any bigger. Is that normal for an autoflower?