Grow Mediums Help with ppm in water reservoir

I don't use meters anymore, and i've run an autopot for years.

I've got no idea why your resevoir feed strength is changing over a day. In a hydroponic system, where the roots are directly in the rez, you can read into the plants needs by the PH and EC/PPM change as the plant takes what it needs .. but that's not going to work in an autopot system, as the plants are only get fed a small amount of what is in the resevoir buy wicking up whats at the bottom of the tray. So there's no selective nute taking that could change whats in the rez.

My simple advice would be to calibrate your meter, and trust what you put in the rez as accurate.

Last idea:
Have you degassed the water if there's chloine in (an air pump will speed that up) before adding nutes.
I use r/o water, ya I have never seen anything like this. I have emptied it 2 times and started over because it's driving me nuts
I don't use meters anymore, and i've run an autopot for years.

I've got no idea why your resevoir feed strength is changing over a day. In a hydroponic system, where the roots are directly in the rez, you can read into the plants needs by the PH and EC/PPM change as the plant takes what it needs .. but that's not going to work in an autopot system, as the plants are only get fed a small amount of what is in the resevoir buy wicking up whats at the bottom of the tray. So there's no selective nute taking that could change whats in the rez.

My simple advice would be to calibrate your meter, and trust what you put in the rez as accurate.

Last idea:
Have you degassed the water if there's chloine in (an air pump will speed that up) before adding nutes.
My ph doesn't change much because I have a bluelabs auto meter pump for ph down. It stays at 5.8ph in the rez
My ph doesn't change much because I have a bluelabs auto meter pump for ph down. It stays at 5.8ph in the rez

I check ppm yesterday it was 1800 ans today its 1600. I'm using a bluelabs truncomv2 commercial nutrient meter stick.
I have a bluelabs auto meter pump for ph down. It stays at 5.8ph in the rez

That sounds perfect!

from 2000ppm to 1600 ppm the next day

So odd... but taking the positive spin on it ... at least it's going down and not up!! ^_^ - less likely to bugger your plants.

I use r/o water, ya I have never seen anything like this.

Well I am Stumped!

I wouldn't worry about it too much .. i can say with some degree of confidence that most new growers biggest mistake is trying to love them too much. ^_^ They really can get by and thrive on quite a light diet.

Even 1600 ppm (to my knowledge) is about 2.2 EC ??? something like that. That's pretty strong unless your in full flower. It's been a while since i looked at a meter, but even growing photoperiods (very strong ones) .. i'd hit them with a 3.0 at very very max (and only once) .

As a general rule for myself, i'd probalbly be looking at 1.0 ec for seedling ... 1.5EC for veg and upto maybe 2.2 for full flower - but tip burn would indicate it's too strong.

here'a a conversion chart for you

Hope some of this helps
Blue ^_^
That sounds perfect!

So odd... but taking the positive spin on it ... at least it's going down and not up!! ^_^ - less likely to bugger your plants.

Well I am Stumped!

I wouldn't worry about it too much .. i can say with some degree of confidence that most new growers biggest mistake is trying to love them too much. ^_^ They really can get by and thrive on quite a light diet.

Even 1600 ppm (to my knowledge) is about 2.2 EC ??? something like that. That's pretty strong unless your in full flower. It's been a while since i looked at a meter, but even growing photoperiods (very strong ones) .. i'd hit them with a 3.0 at very very max (and only once) .

As a general rule for myself, i'd probalbly be looking at 1.0 ec for seedling ... 1.5EC for veg and upto maybe 2.2 for full flower - but tip burn would indicate it's too strong.

here'a a conversion chart for you

Hope some of this helps
Blue ^_^
I'm not even a new growers lol that's what's crazy I just changed it up and wanted to try the autopot system because I was sick of watering all the time and bending over ect getting to old for all that. Hey thanks for trying to help out man, ya guess I could take it as that on a good note lol. Happy growing
I'm not even a new growers lol that's what's crazy I just changed it up and wanted to try the autopot system because I was sick of watering all the time and bending over ect getting to old for all that. Hey thanks for trying to help out man, ya guess I could take it as that on a good note lol. Happy growing

oops, sorry - I didn't mean to infer anything :rofl: or make assumptions.

I love my autopot system. Took my grow room time down from probably 100 hours to 3 hours lol
I only grow one plant per rez as it fills my space .. i'd be concerned about feeding 6 from 1 rez as different plants will have dirrent nutiritional needs (but the nutrition all comes from one place) .. I guess i'd get around that by feeding to the lowest strength needed rather than the highest.

No worries on trying .. we do our best! :rofl:

Happy growing buddy!

O no worries I don't take offense easily, we all started somewhere. Thanks again :smoking:
Would mixing, test, let it sit, retest, and see if it stays stable be an option?

I'm curious if the things you are using are reacting over time, hence the change, but stabilizing at some point.

I've seen my ppm drop when adding pH down on occasion to a blend with silica product in it. Could be some sort of chemical binding. Not a large drop but 10-15 and then stabilize. Certainly should have raised ppm count.

Just an idea