Help with Autopot setup in a 4 x 8 tent (240cm x 120cm)

Ok this is my current grow... 2 main plants and 1 stunted back left....
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This was my first run with BioTabs... 1 plant....
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This was 5 using nutes fed into the res under cheap blurples...
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Can you understand now that 9 in that space would be rediculous? It would stop airflow and create bud rot, mould, climate issues.
If you keep them small and do SOG then you may get away with it but AutoPots create monsters, hence the advice to do less. :vibe::yay::muahaha:
You can always expand more later as I said before.

Oh so it's not about the autoflowers but Autopots? I've never used them before either so I may sound ridiculous sry.
I've also tried using higher volume pots (16 liter) in the past and I know that I couldn't get more than two in a 120x90 or max four in a 120x120 (4x4) tent and even that would be very tight without any training / cutting.
That's why I thought about using the 8,5 liter pots so the roots take less time to develop throughout the pot and if I want to use regular feminized seeds I can send them to flower faster and controll the stretch.
I'm kind of experienced with 11 liter pots and I know that I could get nine 11 liter pots to work perfectly in a 4x4 (without Autopots and autoflowers that is).
I don't know how it works with autoflowers since you can't manually send them to flower then a combination of high volume pot + autflower + Autopot system would inevitably end up creating monsters.
So even in the scenario that I'd go for 8,5 liter pots with regular feminized seeds and send them to flower at 35cm you would still go with 4 pots instead of 9?
Thx for your time.
Indeed the AutoPots are basically giving your plants acces to take the water (+nutrients, if you don't use BioTabs) when they need it not when you water, so they flourish. :d5:
I wouldn't like to comment on photos as I haven't done them for 20 years but in my experience they can grow a lot bigger. If 15ltr pots give me 1.2m high auto's imagine what more than 6 photos would be like in that space! Wowzers...
If you want to keep costs down I'd get 8 - 12 x 15ltr pots with the 100ltr tank and see how your first run goes. If you think you need more, then get more when your budget allows for the next run.
If you decide you want to restrict the roots with smaller pots just half fill them. That way if you change your mind later and go for less but bigger plants you can without spending more money. :cooldance:
Again it's more about environment. If you hit the VPD sweet spot, these girls will explode. Temperature, humidity and airflow is key in my opinion.
Oh you can kinda push an auto to flower by reducing from 20hrs light to 12 for a week too :thumbsup:Good luck on your decision and grow.