New Grower Help please!!!!!! possible TMV

I didn't spray any directly on the soil no....i'm certain it did receive some over-spray and obviously runoff from the plant. I did order the GO Ca-Mg...had to get it from amazon, nurseries and places like home depot in a small town like this kinda suck on inventory...but anyways I should be receiving that and my ph tester sometime between 12/24 and 12/27, with the holidays i'm guessing it will lean more towards the later..but hey ya never know, santa might be extra cool this year lol

In the meantime, if you catch this post before I water tomorrow...was wondering if you think I should possibly add a small amount of molasses or epsom salts to my watering tomorrow? Another thing...not knowing how the calcium and magnesium work in conjunction with each there anything I should do as far as the calcium while I wait for the Ca-Mg?

As far as water supply....water here is absolutely terrible...I don't even let my dogs drink it, friends crack up that my dogs drink bottled water only. As far as hardness of the water, I couldn't really tell you. I never felt the need for a water softener, but it isn't soft water either (i.e I don't feel the slippery feeling of soft water when I get out of the shower). I use tap water for feeding and watering...I fill old milk jugs with water, and let them sit until needed. Of course I always ph my water immediately before feeding and watering.

Thanks for the comments on my first girl...its been a long road lol I'm so anxious to taste...I still say the hardest part about growing is the least it is for me....everything else can be learned readily enough in time. As far as my UK friends, I think alot of it is that they tried autos when they first started hitting the market...from what I have read, autos have come a long long ways in a very short period of time. Thanks again for all your help!!!!