Help! Phosphorus deficiency?

Aug 4, 2021
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Hi gang,

Looking for some insight on an issue that’s cropped up over the last few days. I’m pretty confident it’s a phosphorus issue but I have been known to be wrong in the past!

Any ideas on how to remedy?

thanks in advance - x

Problem: curling, yellowing/rust and dying leaves. Older growth and only on 1 of 2 plants in tent.
-Medium/grow method: soil (Cré organic, perlite/kelp). Plants were started outside but brought in under lights with poor weather here.
-Feed and supplements used: Using Cré Grow (313) and Bloom (216) by now 2ml per l and 4ml per l respectively. Feeding every other water and watering every couple of days 2-2.5l per water with small amount of runoff.
-Water source: using tap water unknown ph since start (ph pen on the shopping list)
-Strain and age: Sticky beast (zamnesia) day 60 since sprouting
-Climate: moved from outdoor greenhouse where nights were as low as 13 celsius around day 37. Now Stable in the tent at 25c or so. Humidity
- Light used: LED 120w claimed 30cm from biggest girl

some photos…


Can be seen largely on lower leaves


Curling and yellow…


Close up


Fallen soldiers!
youve got bugs munching your leaves and the plant appears underfed.
Looks like whitefly damage, hopefully not mites... check closely, the nice warm inside temps will make bugs worse.
I had noticed a few tiny black flies (gnats?). No sign of whiteflies. Believe it or not I also found a caterpillar yesterday who i assume was the culprit of the big chunks out of the leaves. He is back out in the garden now with his pals.

I assume best course of action is a spray down with some soap and water and up the feed?
images of whitefly damage

im thinking it could be thrips as well.. and if you havent seen white flies around, its very likely.. not a huge deal.. but u sure dont want caterpillars in your buds.. could cause budrot
Thanks T. A bit strange that it’s isolated to one plant in the tent? Her sis doesn’t seem to be affected. I’ll get them out this morning for a closer inspection and spray.
Took them both out earlier and had a good look.

no sign of any mites or flies at all now and only one plant has the issues. Underside of leaves all looking good.

soil is a bit damp still but will give her another good feed next time and hopefully things don’t get worse.