Help needed for Lime usage...

Apr 4, 2013
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:help:Hey guys I need a lil help with tryna figure out how much lime to add to my soil mix I just got done mixing...or if the lime will be needed at all (i would think it will need some at least as its just a tad on the peaty side). Here's my mix:

2 cuft compacted bail of Premier horticulture (the promix people) peat
1 cuft Promix Ultimate organic (green bag) potting mix
1 cuft ( was about 40lb bag) cow manure...NOT manure/humus mix
1 cuft mushroom compost
1 cuft ( was 18liter bag) perlite

Mixed and mixed and mixed some more using the flat side of a garden rake on a big tarp. Then watered it all in with just under 2 gal of water. To the water I added:

1tsp unsulfured molasses
2tsp G.O. grow
2tsp " " bloom
1/2tsp " " bioweed
1tsp " " biomarine
1tsp " " calmag
1Tbl " " diamond black
1tsp " " bioroot

(so basically a really light feed of everything in my GO box but the biobud. + molasses)
The result was a beautifully earthy, moist, fluffy mound of potting mix as good as anything from a bag that I've seen (at least texture/consistency wise)

Why did I add the nutes at all? I figured it wouldn't hurt anything by having that light a dose in there and I'm sure the microbes will enjoy the variety of grub to break down, feast upon, and get freaky in (reproduce/colonize) LOL...(see u guys already got me into the whole 'feed the soil not the plant' philosophy :D)

So anyways I have a bunch of lime on hand but have no (like ZERO) experience with using lime. I understand the lime will somewhat raise the ph and provide some cal and mg but that its main purpose is as a ph stabilizer. I have no idea how much to use. cup? Tblspn? ten lbs? LOL like i literally have no clue. I dont want to screw up my beautiful mound of soil as it is a sight to behold lol. Ok maybe it just looks like potting soil haha. I bought a cheap-o electronic, non digital, three prong ph/fertility meter for like ten bucks while I was out today but I havent used it yet. I know its not a nice digital one but I figured I should be able to get a couple uses out of it at least before it stops working right.

So does anybody wanna gimme some pointers on using lime?
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Man, that sounds like a real nice mix and I have almost all of that. I bought two bales of Premier Peat too for my outside grows this year. Just using the peat, native dirt, mushroom compost and lime. Maybe perlite.

I also use GO nutes, but hadn't planned on watering with any, but I think I will now, sounds good. Especially the Bio Weed and Diamond Black humics for the mycos. When I do my initial watering I think I will use some too. Cool.

What kind of lime do you have? You need dolomite lime. And it's about 1 Tablespoon per gallon of mix. For 15 gallon holes it's right under one cup of lime, I did the math. My shroom compost has some lime in it so I will back off a bit and that's my only amendment, but with your mix and all that organic matter in there I would definitely go for the full 1 Tablespoon per gallon deal. And the longer you let that mix cook, the better. I will be filling my holes(that's what she said) soon and let them cook for nearly a month, into the middle of May before I plant my Photos that are starting inside now. If you have or can get a good soil ph probe, do that. Otherwise, you should be good with that ratio.

I'm pretty new to organics though. Piggy may have already seen this by the time I finish this...

Hope this helps. Good luck on that, dude. :smokebuds:
Sounds excellent bro!! Right On!! :wiz: :gthumb:
Well here's the thing squid it doesnt say which it is lol...but this is what is says:


pulverized quarry lime

guaranteed analysis:

Total neutralizing power (whatever the hell that means lol)
102% (calcium carbonate)

Soooo yeaaaa ur guess is as good as mine as to what's what LOL...

But I may just use your suggested ratio on my mix (well the volumes of peat, compost, and the promix had lime in it and the perlite...well its perlite) unless somebody says different lol

Yea I'm actually pretty impressed with how it came out. Looks really good. You said you already had the shroom compost? I went to a local feed store for the bagged cow manure and it was like 3 bucks a bag (not bad). Everything at the big box stores was manure/humus after inspection was only guaranteed analysis of 10% manure and 90% compost humus. So I was like nah I think I want something a lil richer than that lol. The stuff at the feed store was pure poo haha. Literally looked like cow patties falling out the bag. I originally was a lil grumpy about coughing up the money to buy the perlite. But the 18liter bag I found at an area greenhouse/nursery was only like 11 bucks. And in hindsite it did go a long way so I think it was worth it...and plus now that it has the lil white chunks in it, it looks a lil more like a pro mix; like I actually knew what the hell I was doing (not) HAHA!
Oh yea I forgot I MAY add a couple gallons of native soil from an old growth tree row. It has some rich leaf and whatever else compost in it...but I wont add much if I do as I have heard certain trees put off certain things (leaves/nuts/seeds) that cannabis doesnt get along well with. So a lil bit shouldnt hurt...just grab a lil bit to introduce some new/different native benny's into the mix (sounds good in theory anyways lol). I think everything listed including the lime was only like 35ish bucks... Not bad for around 8 cuft of good organic mix lol:booya:
guaranteed analysis:
That's dolomite.

Based on the amount of mix and the amount of manure you're using, and with a lot of straight peat, I would recommend about 8 cups since I don't see any other significant source of calcium. Plus, the mix is deficient in micro-minerals/nutrients. I would suggest 2-3 cups of greensand... it's not expensive. And... you will have to let it cook at least 30 days...

That's dolomite.

Based on the amount of mix and the amount of manure you're using, and with a lot of straight peat, I would recommend about 8 cups. But... you will have to let it cook at least 30 days...


Thanks testerx...I think that was right around what squids suggestion was gonna work out to after I finished adding it up. Good lookin out!:thumbs:
Yup, that's dolomite. It has both Calcium and Magnesium. TesterX can elaborate on the difference in that and calcitic and hydrated if he so chooses. No worries though, you have the right stuff. Listen to Tester over me, but I think I was pretty damn close.

I got my Shroom Compost at Harvey's believe it or not. Fairly cheap, I didn't like the ingredients of what I found at Home Depot and then after I bought what I got I found some real good similar stuff from Lowe's fro cheaper and I'll be getting that next time. I got a huge bag of perlite from a local nursery last year and it's maybe half way gone. Like twice the size of the big bales of Promix. Not sure how much but that bag is about 4 feet tall. haha. Straight up horticulture grade coarse perlite. NO nutes. This will be my first true run outside so I will be using more of that than I have been in the past year growing inside only.

If your native soil is nice and soft and dark, then definitely add some in.I'm going with around 40% actually. I'm growing in a spot that has been grown in before by my pops in law so I know the dirt is pretty good. :D
Yup, that's dolomite. It has both Calcium and Magnesium. TesterX can elaborate on the difference in that and calcitic and hydrated if he so chooses. No worries though, you have the right stuff. Listen to Tester over me, but I think I was pretty damn close.

I got my Shroom Compost at Harvey's believe it or not. Fairly cheap, I didn't like the ingredients of what I found at Home Depot and then after I bought what I got I found some real good similar stuff from Lowe's fro cheaper and I'll be getting that next time. I got a huge bag of perlite from a local nursery last year and it's maybe half way gone. Like twice the size of the big bales of Promix. Not sure how much but that bag is about 4 feet tall. haha. Straight up horticulture grade coarse perlite. NO nutes. This will be my first true run outside so I will be using more of that than I have been in the past year growing inside only.

If your native soil is nice and soft and dark, then definitely add some in.I'm going with around 40% actually. I'm growing in a spot that has been grown in before by my pops in law so I know the dirt is pretty good. :D

Right usual lol. I'm not familiar with harveys...but I know the old #20 and #48 cars real well ya feel me LOL.
but I think I was pretty damn close.
You did just fine, squid... I just helped a little with the math, and thought I should mention the greensand. :thumbs: