I would recommend that you get yourself a decent Weller soldering iron.
Try and get one that you can change the tip to something that is about the size of a pencil.
Get some soldering flux, it will make soldering a WHOLE lot easier, especially if you're new to soldering.
Also get yourself a decent sponge (yes, the kind to wash a count top.)
Wet the sponge and wipe the hot iron on it to keep it clean between soldering. (do it often, this is the biggest problem new people have).
Get a legnth on soldering wick to clean a mistake should it happen.
Also , never try and solder with a cold iron, newb problem number 2!.
Tin the iron before each attempt to solder something. (tinning means dabbing a little solder on the irons tip prior to touching a wire).
This helps heat transfer to whatever your soldering.
It surprising howmuch heat diodes can take, but if soldering RIGHT ONTO a diode.
Make sure the iron is super hot, and treat the soldered connection like a " one shot",....don't over heat the diodes or you can fry it.
My best piece of advice is youtube to see and learn, and practice, practice, practice,...
Use old lamp cord or small wires to get a feel for your new soldering iron, experience is something hard to teach.
Especially, do not get discouraged if it doesn't work out at first.
Thats why I recommend screwing up on a practice piece before getting to work on your QB's.
Better there, than on the QB's,...right?
Buy the best you can afford for your project.
The money saved in doing it yourself will have more than paid for itself in getting quality tools and materials.
Nice project,