Indoor HELP drooping lower leaves...

hey there everyone.
well heres new pics of how shes doing.....she seems so overcrowded. whish i could help set her in the right direction...or will she just grow out of it?


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Hey man, definitely a good time to start low stress training, just be careful not to snap any stems!
Training without topping really doesn't hurt anything, in a scrog (at least indoors) you commonly train through the first bit of stretch if it's a tall one. I use pipe cleaners to hold everything down and start it as soon as the thing can be held over with ties, I'm talking like a week old! You'd be amazed at how well you'll be able to spread those branches out, plus they will grow to more similar height so all the tops get equal light. If it's stretching, nows the time, will be too late in a couple few weeks.
hey there everyone. she still has drooping leaves ;(
any advice? heres some pics. i tried lsting her this past week to help get more light to the bushiness inside, but doesnt seem to be the issue. shes just not happy......
Hey, bro, been awhile, how's your plants doing? Peace
thnks for asking bro.
no matter what i did, i couldnt get the jamaican berry to stop drooping.....
i started having a feeling, that perhaps even though its a super auto, and is supposed to function on any lighting, that still, the breeder stetch said specifically he tailored these strains to outdoors auto growing. and maybe the plant is just stressed from being under so mnay hours of light, while flowering.
so i was having this feeling that perhaps all the drooping, is thats its being forced to flower since its an auto, but at the same time, the 20/4 lighting might be stressing it.
my suspicions rose even more, since the flowering was going very very slowly.
it seems like perhaps the plant was under stress being on a 20/4 schedule, but being forced to flower because of its genetics.
i didnt read that anywhere but it was something i felt.
well i switched to 12/12 4 days ago, and the plant is already perking up and looking happier.

if in the end i confirm that this was indeed the case, ill make sure to make a post of it, so taht other stitch super auto breeders can see i.
That's cool, happyjoy, I know we're all interested in the strain as well, would love to see some photographs as she goes along. You might be on to something by letting the plant relax with a dark period, it sounds like it's autoing but maybe needs rest. Some strains are different. Otherwise I was inclined to think that the drooping was just the natural appearance of the plant.

My Muay Thai seemed to flower forever without making progress but the harvest ended up great, and sometimes I think that's a function of looking at the plant several times a day to where we don't see the gradual changes happening, and the fact that the flowering process on the supers takes around 50% longer than most autos.

Have fun and hope she gives up a fat harvest of tasty buds for you. Give us a photo once in a while if you can bro. :pop:
hey everyone. heres some pics of the jamaican berry.
as u can see, my photo skills arent exactly great, but its the best i could do.
notice that shes scrogged down pretty tight. i also topped her sometime in veg. (not sure how smart that was to do).

shes 2.5 months since germ. but im guessing shes gonna go longer than the expected 3 months. probably due to the stress of being in 20/4 lighting... not sure though.
anyone have ideas how much longer it would be till finishing, by the looks of the flowers now?

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Hey bro, your photos look fine. You've done a good job controlling her shape!

As far as finish time, you might be surprised that she finishes right in the breeder ' s window. With Flash, I ran Muay Thai, Copacabana, and Love Potion, and they all finished in the advertised time, although I took mine a few days later for more sedating effects. The Thai in particular never looked done and thought it should go longer as the flower pistols were still 50% white. It certainly looked immature but sampled fine and could have been chopped earlier than I did.

Although I don't like the idea of sampling buds early without a good dry and cure, it might be the only way you can get an idea of where the buds are at as you enter the harvest window. Based on my experience with Flash the strain will likely finish on time, even if the plant may not look it. When you get to the front of the harvest window take a sample bud; you might be surprised, but you'll have a good idea where it's at either way. I don't think there's many pics of the Jamaica Berry finishing out there, so no other way to really know.
ok. thnks for the advice.
so if itll be according to the breeder time, thats much earlier than i expected.
the buds are pretty much just made out of white hairs right now. the calyxes are still small.

did you grow ur plants on indoor lighting schedule or outdoors? im wondering if nayone else saw the thing that i saw with this plant that the 20/4 stressed it.
Bro, thanks again for logging your experience with this plant. It's a fairly new strain and there's not any journals here for it that I'm aware of.

I suppose it's possible that having topped it had an effect on finishing time, or certainly the particular bean/pheno you have could need more time than average.

Hope it finishes out well for you, and do update the progress if you can.

My Muay Thai was also just a grip of pistils and the calyxes never did swell, also there were very few visible trichomes. Yet the buds were incredibly heavy and full of resin. So don't worry if the looks are not what you expected. :thumbsup: