HELP!! 2nd 6 pot organic auto grow- problems

U mean my next run in the light mix? If so do you reckon is should mix it all up well in advance or just before potting.

I spoke to a guy at growell and he basically said allmix just has a higher nutrient content I.E added premix. I wouldn't say it's definite but he must know something working for them lol

And yer @Eyes on Fire. You've both had my back and I truly appreciate it.

I've got everything on your list @Dazed apart from the all mix ,silica and humic acid.

Yeah just bump up your lighmix for the next run. I'd mix it now, doesn't need anytime to cook really-just there to help along. I haven't heard of premix before mate so I can't comment on that.
Also @Dazed when you say a cup of this or that or 1/2 cup. Do you actually use a proper measuring cup or something else?
Sweet thanks mate.

Fellas I have everything now apart from humic acid which arrived tomorrow. I'm gonna start on Saturday.

I plan on grabbing a huge tarp.laying out all the soil coco and castings , giving that a mix then add the perlite and I also grabbed 10ltr of vermiculite so will add that (-10ltr perlite). Then mixing all my ammendments and sprinkle that on top and mix for half hour before I give it a sprinkle of water ( how much would u say). Before chucking it all in my compost bin. Sound about right?

Can't thank u 2 enough @Eyes on Fire and @Dazed
just be careful when using vermiculite bro, its has trace elements as well as water holding abilities so its can at times run too moist or wet a mix due to this and lower temps,can be an just be forewarned if your using Vermiculite :D
Cheers bro. Yer I've been told I need to be careful with it , that's why I'm only subbing out 10ltr of it. Should that be a problem ? :gassy:
how much perlite is being used total ? like maybe 30 litres? dunno, but if your replacing a third of it ,it shouldnt be too much of an issue,but to avoid any issue I would just not use it. but I personally would not want to go more than (assuming your using 20-30Litres) 30+ %// I would want to keep it closer to 5-10% max personally. added cheaper trace minerals as well as heavier water retention could lead to early root rot if temp dont run higher and feeding is aggressive. so Id just avoid it completely and/or just keep the addition of it very very low is all.
Right I've just figured out I bought too much haha I'm following @Dazed recipe down to a T. Emitting the leaf mould as I have none. I'm going to double his recipe so will be using 20lts of perlite. I think I'm gonna literally just ub like 3 ltrs of it for vermiculite just so I don't over do it. And for the simple fact I've spent money on it so want to at least use a tiny bit of it haha
You know mate, just mix that shit and get on with it!:cheers: I personally wouldn't mix that much if I was trying out a mix, harder to re-balance it later on if it's not on point for YOUR setup. Try not to think about it as adding stuff to a soil for the plant to take up, try to think of it as recreating a really fertile soil that has all the right things at all the rights times, it's actually really difficult to do and takes a lot of tweaking. I made the mistake of taking sub cools recipe and doing 'my version' and thinking it was golden, it wasn't, still ISN'T.
Try a run with the supersoil, but maybe run half the pots on bottled nutes mate, so you have a back up. A decent Grow and Bloom regime with some ca/mg supplement will be a cheap alternative to run alongside the supersoil while you dial that in. And I can tell you, @Eyes on Fire can show you some essential tea recipes.
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