Live Stoner Chat Hello

Jun 17, 2013
Reaction score
Hello every one
Im grow weed an organic grower from THE Netherlands
Ive been growing for THE past 5 years bot normal strains (indoors) and autoflowers

My setup is semi profesional more About that in another topic,

For THE last 3 years Ive been working with à few strains to create my own "perfect" strain curently its an f2 with à 50 %auto and 50 % early flower, Also more About This later i an another topic

Of you have Anny questions Feel free to drop them.

Ps. Dutch t9 is a bitch to type english with
Welcome aboard :group:
Will definitely be tagging along your projects...

Hello Grow ^_^

Welcome to the forums, i'm looking forward to seeing your setup!
Cant realy Find it so ill ask it here.
What hapens with the meta date of my foto's when i upload them.

Are They kept intact or do they get removed?
Gues ima be using my pictures from there im sure all my metadata gets removed,
Hope This is allright by THE forum rules,

Im not Looking to make it THE cops easier Than it already is with THE raids going on here
Welcome to the family Grow weed :hug:

working with your own strain? sounds interesting :D see you around the boards budd :smokebuds:
Hey Grow

I was worried about the same issue - a nice member of AFN emailed me saying this
You just need to scrub all the EXIF data from the pics before posting. You can do it easily enough. If you're using Windows, crop your pic to whatever size/specifics you want, take a screen shot and post it in MS Paint, then save and upload that pic. There are also many programs that will scrub the data, as well as uploading your pics to Imgur (they automatically scrub all pics uploaded to the site). Here's a post where I mentioned why you don't want to post from your phone for safety reasons. Hope that helps.

Hope that helps too! :)