Live Stoner Chat Hello ppl

Dec 26, 2012
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What's up? Been a lurker for a while and enjoy reading on the site. Been smoking off and on since a teen. I'm a medical user though not in a med state. I've suffered from panic disorder/anxiety depression all my life and been treated for it since 2003. Ended up enjoying a almost deadly detox from benzos in 2008. The benzos almost killed me. I was not smoking in this time of my life.

Then was in a major motorcycle accident where I shattered my clavicle plus my right leg compound fracture. My leg was pretty damaged with major tissue damage and tib and fib shattered at lower shin. Was thrown into narcotics again and again I was an addict even though I was treating pain that was real. Ended up IV'ing oxy and being a full blown junkie for almost a year. Started smoking herb again and got clean.

I use cannabis for many reasons but it is a life saver to me. I owe my life to the dank. Well there that is. Peace.
hey and Welcome m8 :) glad to hear things are working out for you.. stay on that road! ;)
wecome to the wounderful world AFN, every bit of growing info you will ever need is right here + 10 times more, from another ex biker..:smokeit:
Welcome to the forum cport , feck you've been through the wars mate hpoe your reading this in better health buddie , enjoy the forum as we all like the ganja and like a little banter as well Good luck with your grow when you get started , all the best cport :smokebuds::peace:
welcome mate. good karma and luck.
Welcome to AFN seems like youve had a rougth ride you come to the rite place and hope you enjoy your stay here :beast:
Great to have you here cport420! :smokebuds: I know many people who have battled addiction in there past and it's not easy to get over. You should be very proud of yourself for winning your fight with addiction :D
Welcome to AfN Cport! :smokebuds:


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