@Throwstuffatme We do not allow multiple accounts on AFN. You need to logon to your old account and we will delete this one. You can change your name on the old account after this one is deleted.
@Waira @blue Can delete this account.
A name change is easy to do
..it's the click of a button or two
..... I'll start a PM ... to get him back in ....
...wait what. . where am I?

I'll do it ^_^
Edit: ... Sorry MoG .. looks like there's some differences in accounts. IP mismatch and locations. No doubt due to VPNs and security etc... but I can't just give a password to a new signup claiming to be someone. The old account could have personal info in PMs.
The email addy in the logs is fake so can't email him a new password.
I'll disable the unvaccinated account to solve the multiple account issue.
I think unvaccinated will have to live with his new account - a name change is still possible.
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