Live Stoners Hello! I'm happy to be here!

Feb 9, 2021
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
White 99, Meat Breath
Hi auto warriors and experts,

I'm a Northern California native who used to grow in San Francisco 20+ years ago, moved to Colorado a few years back, and I'm just now getting back into growing. I've been lurking on the site so thought it time to say hello!

Given the passage of time, and completely different setup, I consider myself to be a newbie again. For illustration, when my first batch of seeds sprouted, I was paranoid about overwatering, so I ended up killing all of them by underwatering haha. Then I remembered that I used to just lift the pot to check how heavy/light the pot was and go from there. I'm relearning everything and I will dial things in with practice.

I'm currently growing 2 Roc Bud Inc. freebies (figured I should use freebies and "grow up" a bit so I don't waste the seeds that I paid for like I did the first round), the seedlings are 9 days old since breaking the surface, and so far, so good. Yesterday was the first day when I checked on the seedlings and was surprised by how much they grew (a good sign).

Some details about my setup if interested:

* Dedicated 10x10 room in my garage that I will use for everything, so that has its own carbon filter with exhaust fan routing outside. Fresh air sourced from the inside of my home routing through a greenhouse HEPA filter

* 4x4 grown tent with AC Infinity exhaust fan and controller, and a carbon filter (my neighbor is nosy and a PITA so I'm over-indexing on odor prevention...for example, my contractor was over the other day and my neighbor was asking him about the room and what I'm using it for)

* Growers Choice e-680 LED (trying to figure out the right height and amount of dimming)

* Oil-filled heater outside the grow tent, humidifier with humidistat in the tent, along with a 10" oscillating fan

* 2x2 grow tent for drying (think that may end up being too small)

* I have a 6 pot ebb-and-flow system but I'm starting out with 3 gal fabric pots with Ocean Forest soil since I was a soil grower before. I scoop out the top center of the pot (around the size of a softball, maybe a bit bigger) and fill that with seed starter mix to avoid any early nute burn.

I've learned a lot from the site already and much appreciate all of you!

Hi auto warriors and experts,

I'm a Northern California native who used to grow in San Francisco 20+ years ago, moved to Colorado a few years back, and I'm just now getting back into growing. I've been lurking on the site so thought it time to say hello!

Given the passage of time, and completely different setup, I consider myself to be a newbie again. For illustration, when my first batch of seeds sprouted, I was paranoid about overwatering, so I ended up killing all of them by underwatering haha. Then I remembered that I used to just lift the pot to check how heavy/light the pot was and go from there. I'm relearning everything and I will dial things in with practice.

I'm currently growing 2 Roc Bud Inc. freebies (figured I should use freebies and "grow up" a bit so I don't waste the seeds that I paid for like I did the first round), the seedlings are 9 days old since breaking the surface, and so far, so good. Yesterday was the first day when I checked on the seedlings and was surprised by how much they grew (a good sign).

Some details about my setup if interested:

* Dedicated 10x10 room in my garage that I will use for everything, so that has its own carbon filter with exhaust fan routing outside. Fresh air sourced from the inside of my home routing through a greenhouse HEPA filter

* 4x4 grown tent with AC Infinity exhaust fan and controller, and a carbon filter (my neighbor is nosy and a PITA so I'm over-indexing on odor prevention...for example, my contractor was over the other day and my neighbor was asking him about the room and what I'm using it for)

* Growers Choice e-680 LED (trying to figure out the right height and amount of dimming)

* Oil-filled heater outside the grow tent, humidifier with humidistat in the tent, along with a 10" oscillating fan

* 2x2 grow tent for drying (think that may end up being too small)

* I have a 6 pot ebb-and-flow system but I'm starting out with 3 gal fabric pots with Ocean Forest soil since I was a soil grower before. I scoop out the top center of the pot (around the size of a softball, maybe a bit bigger) and fill that with seed starter mix to avoid any early nute burn.

I've learned a lot from the site already and much appreciate all of you!


heya @BoCoGrow and :welcome: to afn! :toke: ur deetz sound good & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

p.s. ur in a totally green-legal state, so hey, ur neighbor can take a flyin leap :rofl: .....jus sayin :smoking:

Hi auto warriors and experts,

I'm a Northern California native who used to grow in San Francisco 20+ years ago, moved to Colorado a few years back, and I'm just now getting back into growing. I've been lurking on the site so thought it time to say hello!

Given the passage of time, and completely different setup, I consider myself to be a newbie again. For illustration, when my first batch of seeds sprouted, I was paranoid about overwatering, so I ended up killing all of them by underwatering haha. Then I remembered that I used to just lift the pot to check how heavy/light the pot was and go from there. I'm relearning everything and I will dial things in with practice.

I'm currently growing 2 Roc Bud Inc. freebies (figured I should use freebies and "grow up" a bit so I don't waste the seeds that I paid for like I did the first round), the seedlings are 9 days old since breaking the surface, and so far, so good. Yesterday was the first day when I checked on the seedlings and was surprised by how much they grew (a good sign).

Some details about my setup if interested:

* Dedicated 10x10 room in my garage that I will use for everything, so that has its own carbon filter with exhaust fan routing outside. Fresh air sourced from the inside of my home routing through a greenhouse HEPA filter

* 4x4 grown tent with AC Infinity exhaust fan and controller, and a carbon filter (my neighbor is nosy and a PITA so I'm over-indexing on odor prevention...for example, my contractor was over the other day and my neighbor was asking him about the room and what I'm using it for)

* Growers Choice e-680 LED (trying to figure out the right height and amount of dimming)

* Oil-filled heater outside the grow tent, humidifier with humidistat in the tent, along with a 10" oscillating fan

* 2x2 grow tent for drying (think that may end up being too small)

* I have a 6 pot ebb-and-flow system but I'm starting out with 3 gal fabric pots with Ocean Forest soil since I was a soil grower before. I scoop out the top center of the pot (around the size of a softball, maybe a bit bigger) and fill that with seed starter mix to avoid any early nute burn.

I've learned a lot from the site already and much appreciate all of you!

Welcome welcome @BoCoGrow :cheers: :welcome::pighug::vibes::goodluck::jointman::smokeout:
Hey @BoCoGrow .. welcome to rhe site.. your set up sounds great.. some experienced peeps around here if u need help but sounds like you've got all in hand at the minute.. good luck :karmacloud: :vibes: :thumbsup:
Thanks, everyone, I appreciate it.

I think the area I feel the most uncomfortable with right now is the light. The e-680 has dimming options for 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%. I had emailed the manufacturer about placement and intensity, and their recommendation was to start with the light at 40% and 4 feet above the plant. I ended up doing 3 feet above the pots and at 40%, which seemed fine until roughly day 5 after sprouting when I opened the tent and found that one of the seedlings had stretched and fallen over. I propped her up, switched the light to 60%, and she is doing great. When should I start thinking about bumping up the light again? The third set of true leaves are growing out and I can see specks for the fourth set. My par meter is currently reading 400 measured at the top of the plants.

I've never grown autos before, and while they look healthy and growth is really speeding up, I don't know whether they would be doing even better with more light. But I obviously don't want to burn them either.

Thanks for any recommendations!
I’d say 60% at 3’ is good til they get established, when they hit flowering you’ll want to bump it up then wait a few days then full throttle. Adjust height from there... that light got some power huh? 60% would be about 450w or so...
I’d say 60% at 3’ is good til they get established, when they hit flowering you’ll want to bump it up then wait a few days then full throttle. Adjust height from there... that light got some power huh? 60% would be about 450w or so...

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback! Mr. Grow It did a power draw video for this light and his meter indicated 392W at 60% (558W at 80%, 690W at 100%)

And just to correct my previous post, I mentioned par of 400, but meant PPFD.
Here to watch!

Gotta love neighbors "tell me what you want to do, so I can stop you from doing it"

That's why I don't tell my neighbors a damn thing, my business would have never been "approved" otherwise. You would think in CO people would not care as much though!

Anyways, :pop: :thumbsup:
Welcome BCG ;)
Welcome, BOCO.

I think you made some good choices for a first indoor grow. You should do well, growme.