Live Stoner Chat Hello from MJ World Summit

Sounds like we're all on the same wavelength. As you get to know AFN better you will see that we are very focused on education here as well, not only growing but also medical research and application. Things are changing. Thirty years ago I never would have thought I'd see the day when MJ would be legal, even if it's only two states. More and more people are finally realizing that it's not the demon weed they were lead to believe.
:hug: :dance2: :point: sounds like you're on a similr wavelength... :smokeit:

Admin is aware... :toke:

Fabulous that you're aware, and I love the emoticons :)

Soon as you have it made just gimme the link to the image and our web guy will put it up.

Anyhow, have a great night everyone.
Badlandbailer,Mossy, JM and myself are the admin team here. I'm not sure if we have a banner ad sitting somewhere already. If not, we'll get busy on one. We would be very honored to have such a prestigious spot on your page. Thank you.

Wasn't planning to do this until the new year, but since we are already talking, sort-of, and due to the kind reception from the people already interacted with here, I would like to invite Autoflower.Net to provide a resource button link that will be placed on the MJ World Summit site. We believe that is a great online resource, and we would like to let people know about this site.

Moderators, please direct the attention of the site Admin(s) to this post.

We request that you provide us with a 120x30 web banner for Autoflower.Net (it may be static, or a tastefully made animated gif). We have a section reserved on our pages for what we consider to be valuable resources, and we would like for your banner to be the first one there. There is no fee for this. You are welcome, and thank YOU for your wonderful site that has served so many of us already.
did we lose the banner's, from the banner contest we had awhile back......
welcome mjws i remember seeing you say something bout mossy's jems here's one of the first i grew


@goauto those were for the shop before it closed
It is time for freedom! Health & Happiness through Hemp!

Amen...Legalisation isn't enough for me now..I want Legitimacy.
I wanna prove Why it works too.

Check your mails MJWS...Bailer has moved the messaging you should be Okay now.
You may have to sign out and re-sign in.

Let me know if it has worked...:thumbs:
Amen...Legalisation isn't enough for me now..I want Legitimacy.
I wanna prove Why it works too.

That is indeed a very cool aspiration. Completely agree with you, although, for now, I'd be satisfied with the first step. I believe that once it is legalized then people who would never try it while illegal will try it once it is, then they'll notice a few things. 1) It's not as "bad" as they were led to believe. 2) It's actually pretty good, and much safer than alcohol. 3) Then they'll notice that their re-occurring pains get miraculously better. The news of point #3 will spread by word of mouth, and then a shift in attitude will occur. I wrote about this "snowball" effect. Maybe eventually "they" will prove why it works, but I'll be happy with millions of anecdotal stories from everyday citizens strongly suggesting that it works.

Check your mails MJWS...Bailer has moved the messaging you should be Okay now.
You may have to sign out and re-sign in.

Let me know if it has worked...:thumbs:

Awwwwe... shucks. Like a coin I have two sides of feeling about this. A) The fact that you'd change it for me... I'm flattered. B) But I was having so much fun trying to get to 20! Like I said before, I was opposed to just posting useless posts just to get to 20. I shall admit that I've been enjoying myself here so far, and I'm getting sucked in. FWIW I have almost joined AFN a number of times in the past, as I really do like this forum (and yes I am serious, not just saying to fluff your egos), but due to other concerns I had I simply lurked. However, with all that said, until the laws become relaxed I shall still refrain from freely posting my thoughts. Why? Because of the nature of the MJ WS project I now must be more vigilant in everything I do, including not growing (sniper, your pic hurts-so-good just admiring that), because, well, the project must remain "clean" so that the event proceeds without interruption. Unfortunately this has had a negative effect on my stash too. I manage some pains with herbs (I actually am an amateur herbalist, not just with the *herb*) and though I will freely admit that I use pot I am now deliberately keeping tiny amounts on hand. I will fight tooth & nail all the way up the courts if "they" come and nail me for a few grams of my happy meds. Unfortunately my 3 connects have dried up, and now I'm back to square one networking on the streets trying to get some. Sigh. Personally I am not happy with having to do things this way, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do. You have no idea how disappointed I am with Health Canada, the draconian laws, and even my family doctor. At least all this is fueling my fire to work on this project. I'm sure you could extrapolate some assumptions and figure out why I founded MJWS. Sorry for going off on such a distant tangent (I have long winded tendencies too). But back on point, thanks guys for the forum private message access.

@ sniper - Before bed time, after quite a few hours of being away from my computer (I had to attend an AGM board meeting last night to get my position re-voted in for another term, and it's been a long evening), I felt to check to see what was going on in this thread (for the fun of it). With the first glimpse of your pic my heart skipped a beat, and I will admit to staring at your pic for a solid ten minutes. It was a good 10 minutes I might add, so thank you. Mind if I use that pic to show off Mossy's gem for her interview? Do you have any durrty pics to add to the bud porn?

EDIT (to add): @ Sniper again - forgot to ask, how was the grow odor really? Smoke report? Perhaps you've already done so before and could link to your other thread. There was a time a while back when I scoured the net looking for that info. FWIW the purple gems have been my #1 most desired seeds to get for 2 years, and to this date have still been unsuccessful getting them. The Purple Ryders from JD (I am aware that there is karma happening here) for some reason are unavailable in Canada, based on the number of stores I asked. I now see it as all part of the divine plan, as because of all this I got to learn more about Mossy, which led to this moment of inviting her for the Summit.
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Let me know if it has worked...:thumbs:

Just send you the PM, as it was originally intended for you to get it. It includes the VIP email, so skip the suggestions of the convoluted steps to verify your identity previously discussed.

@ Admin - thank you for changing my status to be able to do so.
thanks mjws :smokebuds: she had that effect of a few people:D feel free to use the pic of my Jem

hardly any smell up till i chopped her at 70days from sow trichs were cloudy and amber the taste was pure hash with a couchlock buzz and very good knee pain relief

unfortunately i wiped my threads a few weeks ago but here was where my Jem was documented lots of canna porn in there:thumbs: