Live Stoner Chat Hello from MJ World Summit

Dec 6, 2012
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This is our semi-unofficial hello from the Marijuana World Summit. We registered this forum account at this time because we are attempting to contact Mossy to issue an invitation directly to *HER*. As it turns out, you need to have 20 posts in order to communicate via private message (thank you Cres for pointing this out). As a result our initial attempt to contact Mossy happened via a public post, but Cres was kind enough to forward the message on to her and to delete the message that was meant to be private (thank you again Cres). However we believe that it is important that we be able to communicate via private chat, so we are taking Cres's suggestion to make a bunch of posts to make the 20 post quota.

For what it is worth, the public announcements about the project are intended to be made in January, and currently we are working quietly in the background getting things ready for the "launch". However, the cat is out of the bag a bit due to the publicly posted attempts at
So, Autoflower.Net gets the credit of being able to say "you heard it here first folks". Please excuse the deliberateness of my choice of words, but you may surmise a bit when I say that I very much love this site, have lurked here aplenty, and love autoflowers (the desire to invite Mossy should be evidence of that). Wish I could say more...

Please do not view this post as a promotional thing, as that is not what is intended. If I could go back in time I would have made 20 generic posts and contacted Mossy in complete privacy. But that is not how it went down... but honestly I don't think it's a bad thing either. I am looking at this as an opportunity to make new friends. I am also open to ideas & suggestions considering you are one of the few people to find out about the event prior to the official announcements. However, please be kindly understanding that I won't have the time to respond to all messages because, well, we've got plenty to do and our time resources are already stretched.

So now the mission is to get post count up to 20 to be able to use private message features on this forum, and to properly invite Mossy to be our guest at the Summit.

Mossy, if you see this message, please accept my apology for the bumpy start, but intend for our future communications to go smoothly. To expedite this process of being able to communicate, please email us at our public email address (, and to verify that you are indeed you (and not someone else pretending to be you) simply post a reply in this thread *after* you send the email, copying a paragraph, or simply state an unusual word in both. This way I will know we have your correct email address, and then we may commence with proper introductions. Thank you for your understanding as we navigate through this bumpy beginning.

Bobby, Production Manager
Leaves of Hope Productions Inc.
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Welcome to AFN. I've had a look at your web site and am impressed at the line up of speakers you have for your summit. No worries. We're always a bit skeptical at first when someone comes on promoting a new product or site. Just so many spammers about we need to be cautious. It appears you are doing some fine work and I'm looking forward to following along with your summit.
Mossy, if you see this message, please accept my apology for the bumpy start, but intend for our future communications to go smoothly. To expedite this process of being able to communicate, please email us at our public email address (, and to verify that you are indeed you (and not someone else pretending to be you) simply post a reply in this thread *after* you send the email, copying a paragraph, or simply state an unusual word in both. This way I will know we have your correct email address, and then we may commence with proper introductions. Thank you for your understanding as we navigate through this bumpy beginning.

I will be in touch tomorrow Bro.
I have been in the UK for a few days...but I will catch up shortly...:thumbs:
Delighted to hear from you Mossy! Waiting patiently for your email. Thank you.
Welcome to AFN. I've had a look at your web site and am impressed at the line up of speakers you have for your summit. No worries. We're always a bit skeptical at first when someone comes on promoting a new product or site. Just so many spammers about we need to be cautious. It appears you are doing some fine work and I'm looking forward to following along with your summit.

Thank you Muddy. I completely understand the concern of spammers, and that is a bit why in my posts I had been trying to tip-toe around. I don't want to become such a nuisance, or to be perceived as such. It would be a shame for people to miss out from attending the free online event because their minds were tainted with the perception of being a spammer. Our hope & intentions are to provide a resource for learning and spreading the messages to the minds of the people. Education is the path towards social acceptance of cannabis, and as more and more people understand the truth regarding marijuana, the more supporters there will be, and the wheels of legalization will turn even faster. Also, we hope that millions of people will learn how cannabis may help them with their less severe aches, pains & health issues, and we hope to help people in that way.

It is time for freedom! Health & Happiness through Hemp!
I'll take a look when I get a chance ? Any live pod casts?

Hey Cres, I'll let another kitten out of the bag. For the "Marijuana Harvest Fest" event planned for October, another free online event, we plan to have a lot of podcast-like things, particularly featuring home-grown talents (slight pun implying ordinary people like us who know a thing or two about weeds) . We plan to give everyone a chance to share their wisdom with the world.
Sounds like we're all on the same wavelength. As you get to know AFN better you will see that we are very focused on education here as well, not only growing but also medical research and application. Things are changing. Thirty years ago I never would have thought I'd see the day when MJ would be legal, even if it's only two states. More and more people are finally realizing that it's not the demon weed they were lead to believe.

Thank you Muddy. I completely understand the concern of spammers, and that is a bit why in my posts I had been trying to tip-toe around. I don't want to become such a nuisance, or to be perceived as such. It would be a shame for people to miss out from attending the free online event because their minds were tainted with the perception of being a spammer. Our hope & intentions are to provide a resource for learning and spreading the messages to the minds of the people. Education is the path towards social acceptance of cannabis, and as more and more people understand the truth regarding marijuana, the more supporters there will be, and the wheels of legalization will turn even faster. Also, we hope that millions of people will learn how cannabis may help them with their less severe aches, pains & health issues, and we hope to help people in that way.

It is time for freedom! Health & Happiness through Hemp!
Wasn't planning to do this until the new year, but since we are already talking, sort-of, and due to the kind reception from the people already interacted with here, I would like to invite Autoflower.Net to provide a resource button link that will be placed on the MJ World Summit site. We believe that is a great online resource, and we would like to let people know about this site.

Moderators, please direct the attention of the site Admin(s) to this post.

We request that you provide us with a 120x30 web banner for Autoflower.Net (it may be static, or a tastefully made animated gif). We have a section reserved on our pages for what we consider to be valuable resources, and we would like for your banner to be the first one there. There is no fee for this. You are welcome, and thank YOU for your wonderful site that has served so many of us already.
Sounds like we're all on the same wavelength. As you get to know AFN better you will see that we are very focused on education here as well, not only growing but also medical research and application. Things are changing. Thirty years ago I never would have thought I'd see the day when MJ would be legal, even if it's only two states. More and more people are finally realizing that it's not the demon weed they were lead to believe.

I completely agree with you. Now with those 2 states legal, and the lack of response from the Feds, I am quite optimistic about this rapidly growing like a snowball down the side of a snow covered mountain. See this thought from 2012-12-07 on the "News Blog" and skip the first three paragraphs.

As you said, things are changing, and now is the time to educate the masses of people about this "demon weed". Now, NOOOOW, is the time for all of us to do what is in our hearts to do. I believe that many of us have a calling within our hearts to do something at this time. We are all instruments of peace & change, and every one of us has an important role to play in the grand scheme of things. The Summit has been calling at my heart for years (wasn't ready then), and I see how I've been guided to be where I am at this time, and now understand that the even BS and pain in the past that got me here was actually a blessing in disguise. Anyhow, I guess I'm getting long winded, again. All this to say that if you have a stirring in your heart to do something for this cause then now is the time to seriously examine your feelings and to do your part. Time to take away the pitchfork and put a halo back over this weed.
Welcome and im new at all this so I will be sure to folow that event. :hug: