Live Stoners Hello fellow Gardeners

Oh damn, you've got me on the edge of my seat now. Lets hope all is good. I can't answer those questions for you as I don't know what Im doing. Im a blind man feeling my way along on his first grow trying to learn as I go.

Im trying to figure out how Im going to harvest these as I can't imagine they will all be ready at the same time. Can't say I want them all ready at the same time. Im gonna have to cut them out of that rope I believe, not sure yet. These are all good problems, no?
I've only grown a few but AKRs have seemed pretty quick in that they've been ready to cut 65 days from seed I reckon. But I get how they could be seen as steady growers that just keep growing, it all depends on what you're also growing for comparison. Fast Bud#2 was quicker but I guess I haven't grown many strains yet.

I grew 3 White Dwarfs outdoors Summer 2012. In my little garden which added a touch of excitement for sure! I didn't LST and probably had them in too small pots, they formed single cola lollipops about 30-45cms tall and they had a very nice high to them. If you're getting that from that beautiful bush you've got there, you'll have a good start to your summer.

With these plants its true they're always amazing us but we are both at the business end of our grows. Constant nightly excitement. Ooo-er!
My wife shakes her head ruefully every night when Im talking to my girls. If my AKR will be ready at day 65 that's April 3rd or 4th. I cant believe from the looks of her she will be ready that soon but I have been amazed before. Would be nice for an exceptional birthday. Jackie is only 10 days behind all the otbers and they say she goes at 70 days no matter what. Should be interesting.
Your going to like that FnV I grew a few of them last summer (my first auto )and still enjoying that sweet fruity smoke pretty potent too.

Mine were the short phenol.

I've only grown a few but AKRs have seemed pretty quick in that they've been ready to cut 65 days from seed I reckon. But I get how they could be seen as steady growers that just keep growing, it all depends on what you're also growing for comparison.
When I was comparing my AKR to my others I was referring to just outright growth and not time to harvest.
Ha! Yes, I get in and I'm like "......... erm....... I'm just going to pop and see the girls". Some nights after watering etc I sit in my chair in front of them, use the jack chain to lift the front of the light up. With them dancing in the breeze and the radiant heat and glow bathing me it's like I'm sitting by a fire. A Soul Fire.

Oh and AKR, please don't cut at 65. I reckon you could if it goes like my last one, you'd have a reasonable amount of smoke I'm sure it should have longer to fulfill its potential. Looking at my AKR I can believe you could cut it in another week, but I won't. I planted 15th Jan and have always anticipated cutting from April 2nd onwards (11 weeks).

Actually looking at my calender I reckon she might be given one more feed with PK to really push the buds out.....
Ha! Yes, I get in and I'm like "......... erm....... I'm just going to pop and see the girls". Some nights after watering etc I sit in my chair in front of them, use the jack chain to lift the front of the light up. With them dancing in the breeze and the radiant heat and glow bathing me it's like I'm sitting by a fire. A Soul Fire.

Man you sound just like me. I do that also, pisses my wife off. Ive got my tent in our bedroom, she usually gets awoken in the middle of the night to the lovely smell of skunk and one hell of a bright light. I open the tent and just admire. Half the time there is this little drip of spittle that starts to fall from my lips until I suck it back up realizing, oh shit, Im drooling.

No worries on the AKR harvest, my girls will go till they are ready. I put this much time and effot into them I sure am gonna try and not screw it up and pull them too early. I must resist, the force is strong with these, do not pick early. Lol
Welcome Gardner . You'll like it here . There's a lot of experienced growers like yourself to converse with and trade ideas . After reading your list of seeds I dam near bought some La Bella Afrodita but alas I just purchased some seeds from our good friends at Mephisto Genetics who I'm sure you will want to become acquainted with. :goodluck: As for you Muffin Man I thought I was the only lunatic that had their grow tent in their bedroom . "pher Wiggle" My advantage . I don't have a wife to contend with . :dance2:
1939bear;. said:
As for you Muffin Man I thought I was the only lunatic that had their grow tent in their bedroom . "pher Wiggle" My advantage . I don't have a wife to contend with . :dance2:

You call it advantage, I call it disadvantage, mine pretty much bought my setup for me. She is the only one working right now so Im good. I kiss her rear to make up for the late night flood lights. I have to keep my First girl happy so I can have an open affair with my other 5 girls.